BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Israel Local time: 11:41 PM

Services for U.S. Companies

These services are designed to assist American exporters in entering the Israeli market. We can assist you at any stage of the business process:

The "Gold Key" Service

Interested in meeting qualified international buyers and partners ? Get the most out of your next international business trip and have the meeting scheduled in advance. more...

International Partner Search

Delivers detailed company information on up to five prescreened potential partners that have expressed an interest in your company's products and services. more...

International Company Profile

Let us conduct due diligence for you and verify whether a company may be a suitable partner for you. more...

Single Company Promotion

We can plan and organize promotional events that will maximize your exposure in your target markets more...

Promote Your Products on our Website to Israeli Companies

Promote your company on our website. more...

Our Market Research Products

Obtain general market research about Israel or customized market research per your specific needs. more...

Industry Specific Services Worldwide

Giving you detailed industry specific information, such as market research, trade leads, news bulletins and more. more...