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Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military ParkGordon Flank Attack Trail
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Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park
Gordon's Flank Attack Trail

The first head-to-head confrontation between Generals Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant occurred in the dense, second-growth forest known as the Wilderness. On May 4, 1864, Grant's Union army crossed the Rapidan River and headed south where it encountered Lee's Confederates moving east along two major thorough-fares, the Orange Turnpike and the Orange Plank Road. When Grant discovered the Confederate army's presence, he halted his southward movement and ordered his troops to attack.

The ensuing Battle of the Wilderness was fought on May 5 and 6, 1864, along the two road corridors. The roads were less than three miles apart, but they were separated by the thickets and tangled undergrowth characteristic of the Wilderness. The resulting battle, therefore, developed into two distinct engagements, fought through the woods and a few small fields bordering each road.

Fighting began along the Orange Turnpike at about mid-day of May 5. The Confederates selected a position bordering on the western edge of Saunders Field, the clearing around the Wilderness Exhibit Shelter. Union forces attacked across Saunders Field and the fighting spread into the neighboring woods. During one phase of the fight the Confederate line broke, but a determined counterattack enabled the Southerners to re-establish their position.

After some sharp fighting north of the Orange Turnpike early on May 6, the area remained relatively quiet until late in the afternoon, when Brigadier General John B. Gordon led an attack against the Union right flank. The assault drove two Union brigades from their positions before darkness caused confusion among the Confederates, bringing the battle to a close.

The bitter fighting resulted in more than 17,600 Federal casualties and at least 8,000 Confederate losses. During the evening of May 7, Grant again pushed his men southward. The next struggle began on May 8 near Spotsylvania Court House.

Hiking The Trail

This loop trail covers about two miles. It crosses ground that was heavily contested on May 5 and 6, 1864. The trail begins and ends at the Wilderness Exhibit Shelter, Stop 10 on the park's driving tour. The exhibits and large battle painting offer an overview of the Battle of the Wilderness. Interpretive signs, maps, photographs, and monuments along the trail supplement the information provided at the exhibit shelter.

The trail passes through a maze of earthworks built at various stages of the battle. In several places, earthworks originally constructed by Union soldiers then captured by Confederates were re-faced and incorporated into the Southern defensive line. The map above shows the trail route. It follows a wood-chip path out of the parking lot area, blue blazes in the woods, and the gravel road back to the exhibit shelter. This loop trail covers about two miles. It crosses ground that was heavily contested on May 5 and 6, 1864. The trail begins and ends at the Wilderness Exhibit Shelter, Stop 10 on the park's driving tour. The exhibits and large battle painting offer an overview of the Battle of the Wilderness. Interpretive signs, maps, photographs, and monuments along the trail supplement the information provided at the exhibit shelter.

A copy of the brochure can be obtained at the Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville Visitor Centers at no charge. It contains a map of the trail as well as this narrative.

 For Your Information and Safety

* Federal law prohibits the possession of a metal detector and the collection of relics within the park. 
* Help protect our fragile earthworks by remaining on the trail. 
* Restrooms and drinking water are available at the Chancellorsville Battlefield Visitor Center, about five miles east, on Route 3.
* Do not drink water from streams. 
* Poison ivy and ticks are common Virginia woodlands. 
* Picnicking is allowed only at the established area near the Exhibit Shelter. 
* Bicycles and motorized vehicles are prohibited on trails. 
* While hunting within the park is illegal, exercise extreme caution and wear bright colors when walking the trail during hunting season. 
* Be aware of trail hazards and uneven surfaces. Wear sturdy shoes or boots. 
* Numerous old roads and animal trails crisscross the area. To stay on the hiking trail, please follow the map carefully and note the blue blazes.

Click here to read an excerpt from John Gordon's Reminiscences on the Battle of the Wilderness, but read with caution.

Go to Battle of Wilderness webpage to learn more about the Wilderness/Spotsylvania Campaign.

Go to Wilderness Battlefield webpage to learn more about visiting the Wilderness Battlefield.



Map of Gordon Flank Attack Trail
Map of Gordon Flank Attack Trail
Map of Gordon Flank Attack Trail
Map of Gordon Flank Attack Trail
Saunders Field  

Did You Know?
The first infantry shots of the bloodiest campaign in American history were fired in Saunders Field on May 5, 1864.

Last Updated: May 01, 2007 at 10:59 EST