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2008 Forum!

Photos from the 2007 Defense Business Agility Forum

Defense Business Agility Forum

November 21, 2008

Arlington, VA

The Defense Business Agility Forum 2008 has been postponed to Friday, 21 November 2008 from 4 September 2008. The full agenda will be published as we approach the presentation date.

Thank you for your interest in the Defense Business Agility Forum 2008.

The annual Defense Business Agility Forum is a singularly important event. Today, the DoD operates in an environment that is fast paced and unpredictable. In this new paradigm, the Department must be able to rapidly and agilely respond to asynchronous threats and, as yet, unidentified dangers. Operational agility is impossible, however, without an excellent “back office” to handle the business of defense.

The 2008 Forum will provide a framework for stakeholders in DoD’s ongoing transformation to hear from leaders in industry, recognized transformation experts, and the Department’s own leadership about lessons learned in the past and how to proceed in the future. These speakers will articulate the landscape of transformation in industry and government and inspire participants to drive change within their own organizations. Competition has forced corporate culture to embrace constant and conscious transformation, and it is imperative that the DoD’s business operations similarly change to become more effective and efficient, and best support the warfighter. Please join us as we strive for that goal.