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Federal Registers
Cotton Dust - 50:51120-79

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• Publication Date: 12/13/1985
• Publication Type: Final Rules
• Fed Register #: 50:51120-79
• Standard Number: 1910.1043
• Title: Cotton Dust
• Abstract: Amendment of the occupational exposure to cotton dust standard that was issued in 1978 (29 CFR 1910.1043). Revisions include incorporation of an action level, modification of exposure monitoring requirements, extension of compliance deadlines for ring spinning of coarse count yarn with a high cotton content, addition of a protocol for determining equivalency to vertical elutriator, incorporation of a wage retention provision, exclusion of oil mist from the definition of cotton dust, clarification of scope of coverage, and substantial changes to the washed cotton provisions reflecting current research. OSHA is deregulating knitting, classing and warehousing operations by exempting them from all provisions of the 1978 cotton dust standard and by exempting them from all provisions of 1910.1000 (the cotton dust standard adopted in 1971). Waste processing and garnetting operations are exempted from all except the medical provisions of 1910.1043 and retaining the 1000 ug/m3 exposure limit of 1910.1000 interpreted as a respirable dust limit. These amendments take effect February 11, 1986; except for 1910.1043 which contain information collection requirements that have been submitted to OMB for approval.


Amendment of the occupational exposure to cotton dust standard that
was issued in 1978 (29 CFR 1910.1043). Revisions include
incorporation of an action level, modification of exposure
monitoring requirements, extension of compliance deadlines for ring
spinning of coarse count yarn with a high cotton content, addition
of a protocol for determining equivalency to vertical elutriator,
incorporation of a wage retention provision, exclusion of oil mist
from the definition of cotton dust, clarification of scope of
coverage, and substantial changes to the washed cotton provisions
reflecting current research. OSHA is deregulating knitting, classing
and warehousing operations by exempting them from all provisions of
the 1978 cotton dust standard and by exempting them from all
provisions of 1910.1000 (the cotton dust standard adopted in 1971).
Waste processing and garnetting operations are exempted from all
except the medical provisions of 1910.1043 and retaining the 1000
ug/m3 exposure limit of 1910.1000 interpreted as a respirable dust
limit. These amendments take effect February 11, 1986; except for
1910.1043 which contain information collection requirements that
have been submitted to OMB for approval.

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents

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