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Voyage To Inner Space - Exploring the Seas With NOAA Collect
Catalog of Images

3300 thumbnail picture
Left to right: J. Richard; Commander d'Arodes; engineer Mialaret; A. Fuhrmeister . Plate IV, print 6. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3301 thumbnail picture
Dr. Portier, professor of physiology at the Sorbonne and the Oceanographic Institute. Plate IV, print 7. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3302 thumbnail picture
Two polar explorers: W. S. Bruce and G. Isachsen. In the background is Professor Hergesell of Strasbourg who conducted many upper atmosphere experiments with sounding balloons between 1904 and 1907. Bruce overwintered in both the Arctic and Antarctic. He directed the British Scotia expedition. Plate IV, print 8. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns ..." Vol. 89.
3303 thumbnail picture
Professor Thoulet - the celebrated oceanographer. He took part in the PRINCESS ALICE II's cruises of 1901 and 1903. Plate IV, print 9. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3304 thumbnail picture
Marius Borrel, artist and painter, took part in the cruises of 1888, 1893, 1895, 1901, 1902, and 1903. Plate IV, print 10. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3305 thumbnail picture
Left to right: L. Tinayre; Dr. Louet; Dr. Portier; and A. Fuhrmeister. Plate IV, print 11. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3306 thumbnail picture
Le Grene - the chief boatswain. Plate IV, print 12. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3307 thumbnail picture
Louis Tinayre painting on board. Plate IV, print 13. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3308 thumbnail picture
Prince Albert I of Monaco. Plate IV, print 14. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1910 August
3309 thumbnail picture
Professor Hergesell reading the electroscope. Plate IV, print 15. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3310 thumbnail picture
On board at Bergen, from left to right: H. Neuville, of the Natural History Museum at Paris; Professor Brandt of the University of Kiel; A. Fuhrmeister, secretary to the Prince; the artist Lovatelli; and the medical doctor, Dr. Baraduc. Plate IV, print 16. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3311 thumbnail picture
Photo taken at Bergen. Plate IV, print 17. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3312 thumbnail picture
J. Y. Buchanan of the Challenger Expedition, in the laboratory of the ship while at Kiel. Plate IV, print 18. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3313 thumbnail picture
The two vessels named PRINCESS ALICE at the dock at Birkenhead, Liverpool. The new vessel is on the left. Plate IV, print 19. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3314 thumbnail picture
In the bridge laboratory. Left to right: H. Bouree; L. Tinayre; J. Richard. In the rear: the botanist Louis Gain; to the left is Papanicolau, an employee of the oceanographic museum. Plate IV, print 20. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3315 thumbnail picture
J. Richard in the laboratory. Plate IV, print 21. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1914 August 2
3316 thumbnail picture
Party on the HIRONDELLE II on August 2, 1914. The ship had been at Havre, but upon the outbreak of World War I, the ship returned to Monaco, arriving August 7 . From left to right kneeling: L. Gain; James de Rothschild; Dr. Louet. Left to right standing: A. Ranc; H. Bouree; A. Fuhrmeister; L. Tinayre; Commander d'Arodes; and J. Richard. Plate IV, print 22.
3317 thumbnail picture
In the Hotel Humboldt at Orotava, Tenerife. Left to right: Papanicolau; L. Tinayre; A. Fuhrmeister; and J. Richard. Plate IV, print 23. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3318 thumbnail picture
On the heights of the crater of Sete Cidades (Portuguese for "Seven Cities" referring to curious rock formations on the peak) . Left to right: L. Tinayre; A. Ranc; Rafael de Buen; Dr. Louet; Cogumbreiro; J. Richard. H. Bouree is in the background photographing the wonders of the crater. Plate IV, print 24. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3319 thumbnail picture
Prince Albert I of Monaco and members of the scientific complement conferring with Captain G. Isachsen of the Norwegian Army, an Arctic explorer of note. Left to right: Commander Carr (back turned); L. Tinayre; Captain Isachsen; Hergesell; A. Fuhrmeister; and Prince Albert I. Plate V, print 1. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1906 August 14
3320 thumbnail picture
Prince Albert I of Monaco and members of the scientific complement conferring with Captain G. Isachsen of the Norwegian Army, an Arctic explorer of note. Left to right: L. Tinayre; Captain Isachsen; ; Prince Albert I; and A. Fuhrmeister. Plate V, print 2. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1906 August 14
3321 thumbnail picture
Valley and Lake Richard at Red Bay, Spitzberg. Plate V, print 3. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
Red Bay, Spitzberg 1899 July 28
3322 thumbnail picture
Louis Mayer painting on the island of Skaaro, north of Tromso, Norway. Plate V, print 4. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
Skaaro Island, Norway 1907 July 19
3323 thumbnail picture
Louis Mayer painting on the island of Skaaro, north of Tromso, Norway. Plate V, print 5. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
Skaaro Island, Norway 1907 July 19
3324 thumbnail picture
W. S. Bruce leaning against a bed of conglomerate at the entrance to the valley of Lake Richard. Plate V, print 6. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
Red Bay, Spitzberg 1899 August
3325 thumbnail picture
Soundings being made from a steam launch for a hydrographic survey near Cape Mitra, Spitzberg. Note the lead and leadsman's hands; H. Bouree is making sextant observation. Plate V, print 7. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
Cape Mitra, Spitzberg 1906 August 20
3326 thumbnail picture
Henry Bouree near the quay at Lisbon. Plate V, print 8. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
Lisbon, Portugal 1909 August 17
3327 thumbnail picture
Double mesh net fish trap being deployed. Trap will be attached to the buoy by a line for later recovery. Plate V, print 9. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3328 thumbnail picture
Double mesh net fish trap being deployed. Trap will be attached to the buoy by a line for later recovery. Plate V, print 10. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3329 thumbnail picture
Buoy attached to fish trap. Plate V, print 11. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1912 August
3330 thumbnail picture
Double mesh net fish trap being deployed. Trap will be attached to the buoy by a line for later recovery. Plate V, print 12. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3331 thumbnail picture
Professor E. L. Bouvier on the bow of his yacht. Professor Bouvier was a well- known naturalist. Plate V, print 13. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1905 August
3332 thumbnail picture
Assistant Boatswain Wedderburn arranging something on one arm of the trawl doors. Plate V, print 14. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1908 May 8
3333 thumbnail picture
Dr. Regnard on the bridge of the Princess Alice at Kiel. Prince Albert I of Monaco named Dr. Regnard the Director of the Institute of Oceanography at Paris in 1906 where Dr. Regnard remained until his death. Plate V, print 15. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1898 July
3334 thumbnail picture
Winch used in recovery of fish traps. Plate V, print 16. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1898 July
3335 thumbnail picture
The laboratory on Prince Albert's yacht. Plate V, print 17. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3336 thumbnail picture
The laboratory on Prince Albert's yacht. Plate V, print 18. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
3337 thumbnail picture
Examining a large piece of driftwood encrusted with barnacles. Prince Albert I to the right while Captain Carr is to the left with a crewman in between. Plate V, print 19. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1905 September 2
3338 thumbnail picture
The laboratory's large rolling table. Plate V, print 20. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1898 July
3339 thumbnail picture
Large net with four doors meant for exploring the bathypelagic zone. Plate V, print 21. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1905 July 27
3340 thumbnail picture
Three sounding balloons being prepared for the exploration of the high atmosphere. Plate V, print 22. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1906 April
3341 thumbnail picture
The sounding balloons in the air with recording devices. Plate V, print 23. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1906 April
3342 thumbnail picture
Following the movements of a meteorological kite from the deck of the ship. Plate V, print 24. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1905 April
3343 thumbnail picture
Preparation of a longline for oceanic fish sampling on the HIRONDELLE II. Plate VI, print 1. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1914 April 29
3344 thumbnail picture
Professor Thoulet explaining sounding operations to a lady of the entourage of King Alphonse XIII of Spain. Plate VI, print 2. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1903 July
3345 thumbnail picture
King Alphonse XIII of Spain and Prince Albert I of Monaco. Plate VI, print 3. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1903 August 10
3346 thumbnail picture
Recovering the longline. Plate VI, print 4. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1908 July
3347 thumbnail picture
Dog-fish shark brought in by longline. Plate VI, print 5. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1911 August
3348 thumbnail picture
Dog-fish shark taken from great depth by longline. Plate VI, print 6. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1912 September 3
3349 thumbnail picture
Dogfish brought up by longline in front of A. Ranc, Rafael de Buen, and J. Richard. Plate VI, print 2. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
1912 September 3

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