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Federal Registers
Butadiene, 1,3- - 51:35003-09

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents
• Publication Date: 10/01/1986
• Publication Type: Proposed Rules
• Fed Register #: 51:35003-09
• Standard Number: 1910.1000
• Title: Butadiene, 1,3-
• Abstract: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Occupational exposure to 1,3- butadiene (BD). Announcement of initiation of action to reduce worker exposure and acceptance of the EPA referral. Comments in response to this Advance Notice should be submitted by December 30, 1986.


Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; Occupational exposure to 1,3-
butadiene (BD). Announcement of initiation of action to reduce
worker exposure and acceptance of the EPA referral. Comments in
response to this Advance Notice should be submitted by December 30,

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents

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