
A Team-Based Approach to Amputee Rehabilitation

Educates service members, veterans, families and healthcare professionals on state-of-the-art care for amputee rehabilitation, including what to expect if you are facing amputation surgery.

American Amputee Foundation

Serves amputees, their families and care providers by gathering information on amputation including studies, product information, available services and self-help publications. Find a prosthetic professional near you.

Amputee Coalition of America

Offers support groups and educational programs for individuals who have lost a limb, family members, health care providers and others. Learn about the 10-week educational program designed for people with limb loss.

Armed Forces Amputee Patient Care Program

Provides a full spectrum of care and management for the young, active, traumatic amputee patient.

National Amputation Foundation

Provides programs and services to help veterans who lost a limb or limbs in service to their country. Programs include peer counseling, medical equipment donation and recreational activities.

National Limb Loss Information Center

Provides limb loss information to consumers, families and providers and maintains a large database of literature, referral sources, publications, prosthetic resources and peer support groups.

VA Polytrauma System of Care

Comprehensive inter-disciplinary care at 4 Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers and 21 Polytrauma Network Sites for veterans and returning service members with injuries to more than one physical region or organ system. Each site treats Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), hearing loss, amputations, fractures, burns and visual impairments. Check out the locations of all sites.

  • The White House: President George W. Bush
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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