
Nevada Independent Living Centers (ILCs) New!

Contact information for ILCs throughout Nevada. ILCs provide people with disabilities advocacy and support services, including assistance with employment, transportation, housing, health care and living skills.

The ARC of Nevada

Committed to creating opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be included in their communities and to make the choices that affect their lives. Local chapters may provide residential, vocational and community-living support, self-advocacy programs, recreation and social experiences and respite care.

HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies in Nevada

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsors housing counseling agencies throughout the country that can provide advice on buying a home, renting, defaults, foreclosures, credit issues and reverse mortgages.

Home Ownership & Rental Assistance in Nevada

Information on home buying programs and rental assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Nevada American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

Includes information on independent living, benefits, transportation and more.

Nevada Assistive Technology Resource Center

Assists individuals in obtaining assistive technology (AT) products and services.

Nevada Assistive Technology for Independent Living (AT/IL) Program

Helps individuals remain active in the community by making their homes and vehicles more accessible.

Nevada CARE Loan Program

Offers financial loans at low interest rates for the purchase of assistive devices--most often, home and vehicle modifications.

Nevada Division for Aging Service

Works to develop, coordinate and deliver a comprehensive support service system in order for Nevada's senior citizens to lead independent, meaningful and dignified lives. Chapters offer assistance with medical benefits and other issues.

Nevada Equal Rights Commission

Oversees the state's equal rights program, handling discrimination complaints when the discrimination is linked to employment or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Southern Nevada Centers for Independent Living

Helps people with disabilities in Southern Nevada through a variety of services in the areas of employment, independent living skills, transportation, housing, advocacy and benefits counseling.

Housing Assistance in Southern Nevada

The Housing Authority of the County of Clark works to provide affordable housing to eligible people within our community while creating and promoting opportunities for independence, self-sufficiency and an improved quality of life.

Nevada Rural Housing Authority

Offers home ownership and rental programs to help Nevadans in rural areas gain independence and self-sufficiency through access to affordable housing.

Low-Rent Apartment Search For Nevada

Search in your area for apartments with lower rental costs.
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