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How to Obtain NESC
National Electrical Safety Code (2007 Edition ANSI C2)
And related handbooks, interpretations, and other materials are available from:
IEEE Customer Service
445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
Phone: 1-800-678-IEEE
Website:  http://standards.ieee.org/nesc/
E-mail: customer.service@ieee.org
Obtain prices directly
(Approximately $130.00 excluding shipping charges)
Utility Bookstore Division of Clapp Research
6112 Saint Giles Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27612
Phone:  (919) -782-7745
Fax:      (919) 881-2147
Website:  http://www.utilitybookstore.com
E-mail: orders@utilitybookstore.com
Obtain prices directly
3700 S Russell, Suite #101
Missoula, MT 59801
Phone:  (406) 544-8997
Fax:      (406) 721-1969
Website:  codehandbook.com 
E-mail: generalquestion@codehandbook.com 
Building Tech Bookstore, Inc
8020 SW Cirrus Drive
Beaverton, Oregon 97008-5986
Phone:  1-800-ASK Book
Fax 503-641-0770
Website:  http://www.buildingtechbooks.com/
E-mail:  mailto:mail@buildingtechbooks.com
Obtain prices directly

Page updated: July 23, 2007

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