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Standard Reference
Standard Interpretations referencing 1926.752(a)
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# Title
 1  2006 - 03/10/2006 - Whether the notification required in §1926.752(a)(1) (attained concrete strength) must be given where steel will be erected on a long-existed concrete slab.
 2  2005 - 12/23/2005 - Notification requirements for concrete compressive strength and anchor bolt modifications.
 3  2004 - 08/23/2004 - Requirements for compressive-strength testing of concrete and mortar in a masonry wall during steel erection.
 4  2003 - 10/27/2003 - Field-cured concrete sample cylinders must be subjected to similar conditions as the footings/walls; acceptable use of the Windsor Probe/Pin testing method.
 5  2003 - 05/21/2003 - Written notification of ASTM strength test for mortar in masonry piers/walls prior to steel erection.
 6  2002 - 12/27/2002 - Mortar testing requirements and controlling contractor responsibilities under the Steel Erection Standard.
 7  2002 - 01/30/2002 - Clarification of "Controlling Contractor" duties under the Steel Erection Standard (1926 Subpart R)

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