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Rules and policy


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Administrative Rules


Effective September 1, 2008, two sets of administrative rules were put into place. The newest set of rules covers background checks on DHS employees, volunteers under direction and control of the Department, and certain contractors. The second set--the provider rules previously in place--were amended to remove language and references now covered by the employee rules and to make the informal administrative review process voluntary. The provider rules cover persons and facilities licensed, certified or regulated by the Department such as home care workers, residential care facility volunteers and staff, adult foster home providers and caregivers.


Following are the current rules in effect.



Employee rules

Provider rules

If you have questions regarding any of the rules, contact us via email at cru.info@state.or.us or by phone at 503-378-5470 (toll free at 888-272-5545).



Process, policy and procedures


Who needs to be checked?

The administrative rules define a person who must be checked as a “subject individual.” Subject individual includes people who work, volunteer and, in some cases, live in a location where services are provided to children, seniors, and people with disabilities or mental illness. The term also includes DHS employees, DHS volunteers and many persons or employees of agencies contracting with the department.

What we check and how
The Department conducts criminal history checks through the State of Oregon Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS) and, if necessary, through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In addition, information may be obtained through child protective services, Driver and Motor Vehicles Division (DMV), court records, and other states’ data systems. Fingerprints may be required as part of the check.


DHS Policy and Procedure

The DHS criminal history check policy directs that criminal history checks be done in accordance with the administrative rules. The procedure provides more detail on the criminal history check process for DHS non-institution employees. Updates to the policy and procedures are under development to incorporate changes resulting from the September, 2008 rulemaking actions.



Page updated: September 23, 2008

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