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Comment by Craig Burton (Manufacturer)

This is a comment on Part 1, Chapter 2.7.2-B, dated 2008/05/05 05:28:18.991 GMT-4

Innovation should allow for new devices, combinations of devices and software techniques and protocols for processing and transmission of election-related data. Innovation class should allow for entire new frameworks which new protocols require such as the interchangeable granularity of system components proposed in EMLv5 and earlier. Innovation class should not be limited to single devices. It would be good if the process for assessing innovation did not seek to impose the VVSG standards entirely as the end point of the submission. New systems will lend themselves to new techniques, such as new kind of auditing and new audit artefacts. This may in fact lead to revisions in the current VVSG if the new device or new technique implies considerable change.