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Comment by Shirley Barsky (Advocacy Group)

This is a comment on Part 1, Chapter 2.7-A, dated 2008/05/03 16:13:07.540 GMT-4

We must not depend on the reliability of software used in the DRES (electronic touch systems). Software can be invaded and many states have had great disparity in the number of votes recorded (Miami Dade County in Florida had more votes recorded than registered voters). Some DRES provide a paper ballot similar to ATM machines--on thin little sheeets of paper and with hardly visible print. Random Manual Audits are essential and must be uniform and dependable. Central Count Optical Scan Machines should be able to subtotal and store results for batches of ballots--expeccially for absentee and provisional ballots. And these machines are clearly more cost-effective. Software Independence is best accomplished by voter-marked paper ballots and voter-verifiable records.