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Comment by Jacques Padawer (Voter)

This is a comment on Part 1, Chapter 2.7.1-A, dated 2008/05/03 09:57:48.211 GMT-4

I use computers regularly, and I have yet to find one that does not crash, get an "error" notice, or malfunction in some other way. Elections are the foundation of democracy, and it is ESSENTIAL THAT VOTES BE VERIFIABLE BY INDEPENDENT MEANS SUCH AS PAPER RECORDS so as to allow proper recovery of a vote that does not record or records erroneously! Furthermore, ample evidence has been demonstrated that the DREs are too easily hacked, corrupted, or disabled. PLEASE INSIST THAT PAPER BALLOTS BE PRINTED FOR EVERY VOTE ENTERED. THE PUBLIC MUST NOT LOOSE CONFIDENCE IN THE INTEGRITY OF OUR ELECTION PROCESS! YOU HAVE THE AWSOME RESPONSIBILITY YO ASSURE THIS IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE CASE, and I thank you for lending your expertise to that effect.