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Comment by Eric Zuesse (Voter)

This is a comment on Part 1, Chapter 2.2, dated 2008/05/02 17:43:19.495 GMT-4

All certified voting equipment and supplies shall provide to the voter a physical ballot which that voter may then mark, and which marked ballot that voter may then place into a receptacle from which all ballots shall be counted and tabulated so as to produce the vote totals. After vote totals have been tabulated, all ballots shall be placed in a secured facility for storage and for possible re-counting. All ballots shall be stored there for one year if no request for a recount is filed within that period, and shall be stored for however long is necessary to resolve all issues in the event that within a year of the voting-date a request for a recount is filed. Only by these means can a rational voter trust that he or she is a citizen in a democracy, and not a citizen in a dictatorship. Electronic means of recording votes shall not be permitted to be used in the United States of America, because this nation is a democracy, not a dictatorship.