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South Texas Exploration and Production Safety Network (STEPS)

I. Alliance Background

Signed October 20, 2004

Alliance Overview

The purpose of the STEPS Network / OSHA Alliance is the establish a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful workplaces in the oil and gas industry in South Texas through training, outreach, and communication.

Implementation Team Members

Marianne McGee, OSHA
Rick Ingram, BP America Production Co.
Javier Balderas, Halliburton
Serena Starkey, TWCC OSHCON
Charlie Moore, Smith Production Co.


Karen Puckett, TWCC OSHCON
John Buehrig, ExxonMobil
Amador Garza, Conoco Phillips
Armando Cantu, Shell
Tony Jones, SANTOS USA
Marc LaRocca, El Paso Oil and Gas
Ted Reed, BJ Services

Evaluation Period.

October 20, 2004 through October 31, 2005

II. Implementation Team Meetings

Team Meetings were held in person at WRMCA Office in Madison on the following dates:

October 27, 2004

February 16, 2005

October 6, 2005

Holiday Inn, following STEPS meeting

Halliburton Corpus Christi Office

Person to person

Person to person and teleconference

III. Activities and Products

Training and Education
  • Events

    The goal of delivering hazard recognition training was met through the STEPS Network monthly meetings. Approximately three training sessions were conducted at each of the 12 monthly meetings. The subjects include but are not limited to machine guarding, recording injuries and illnesses, OSHA inspection procedures, West Nile Virus, Africanized Killer Bees, restraining energized lines, root cause analysis, job hazard analysis, emergency planning and procedures, and noise in the oil and gas industry.

    A representative from OSHA along with a representative from OSHCON visited a worksite during a fracturing job to evaluate the lockout/tag out procedures commonly used during this task taking into account well control issues.

    Best practices such as hand safety, ergonomics, and safe driving were shared at the STEPS Network and subsequently posted on the website.

  • Products

    The STEPS Network has a website that consists of the meeting minutes and PowerPoint presentations of many of the topics presented at the monthly meetings. The website also contains safety alerts, recent incidents, best practices, etc. The website address is
Outreach and Communication
  • Events

    OSHA conducted training sessions including fall protection and machine guarding.

    Two STEPS Executive Committee members did a presentation on the STEPS Network and their Alliance with OSHA and Texas Worker’s Compensation Commission (TWCC) at the Texas Safety Summit sponsored by the TWCC.

    The STEPS President and an OSHA representative met with similar safety networks from Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma to discuss the possibility of working with together to further safety and health in the industry.

    One STEPS member submitted their application for Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) to the Corpus Christi Area Office. OSHA attended two orientation sessions for the contractors of this company and explained VPP program and process.
Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health
  • Events

    Many members of the STEPS Network are strong advocates for safety and health improvement in the oil and gas industry and actively discuss the issue at various meetings such as the American Petroleum Institute (API) local chapter meetings and the other industry meetings.

    The STEPS President and an OSHA representative met with similar safety networks from Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma to discuss the possibility of working with together to further safety and health in the industry.
IV. Results

The STEPS Network / OSHA Alliance has been very effective in creating an open dialogue between the local oil and gas industry and OSHA. OSHA receives numerous inquires from the STEPS membership regarding safety and health issues and injury and illness recordability.

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals
Reached or Trained
Training and outreach at the STEPS Network Monthly meetings (12) Approximately 60 attendees each month
Outreach to the local chapter of the API 40
Presentation to the Texas Safety Summit on safety and health in the oil and gas industry and the alliance Approximately 400 attendees
Outreach to similar networks throughout Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma 30
Outreach to BP contractors during orientation sessions (3) 20
Training and outreach to Petroleum Education Council (PEC) training class 25
Numerous presentations by the STEPS President, Vice-President and Secretary to industry representatives  
Confined Space Entry class taught by TWCC 20
TOTAL 1355

V. Upcoming Milestones

Monthly training and outreach meetings are planned for the next year to include seminar in conjunction with the Texas Oil and Gas Association. Quarterly training classes are scheduled to be taught by TWCC to include job hazard analysis, lifting, hazard communication.

Due to the success it is recommended that this alliance be continued.

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