Association of State Dam Safety Officials
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
ASDSO is a non-profit organization of state and federal dam safety regulators, dam owners/operators, dam designers, manufacturers/suppliers, academia, contractors and others interested in dam safety. Our mission is to advance and improve the safety of dams by supporting the dam safety community and state dam safety programs, raising awareness, facilitating cooperation, providing a forum for the exchange of information, representing dam safety interests before governments, providing outreach programs, and creating a unified community of dam safety advocates.
Latest News
9/17/08 - Breaking News - The Dam Rehabilitation & Repair Act (HR 3224) sailed through the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today. Thanks to ASDSO members for your calls, emails and letters. 09/17/2008 EPW Business Meeting.
Also: Grand Canyon dam break...National Academies dam security study underway... University of South Carolina receives NSF grant for research on levee & dam failure...Media spotlight on dam safety in Texas and Wisconsin...Unexplained cracks in new Florida reservoir...Hope Mills, NC dam rebuilt...NC counties spar over rehab responsibilities... more
9/1/08 - Training Announcements - Register now for the following ASDSO technical training opportunities: Slope Stability for Embankment Dams seminar, October 21-24 in Salt Lake City; Conduits, Valves & Gates, November 5-7 in White Plains, NY and on December 2-4 in Atlanta, GA. more
8/29/08 - ASDSO Annual Report Ready for Download - ASDSO members can download the Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Report now. Go to Members Only. more
7/31/08 - Senator Endorses Funding for National Dam Safety Program - June 2008--After successful Capitol Hill visits by ASDSO leaders this month, Senator Arlen Spector (PA) wrote to Appropriators asking for a line item within the FY09 for the National Dam Safety Program. more
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