Endangered Species Program
Midwest Region


Species Information

Listed Species in the Upper Midwest

Listed Species' Ranges by State and County

Candidate Species

Species of Concern

Featured Species

Bald Eagle

Canada Lynx

Freshwater Mussels

Gray Wolf

Indiana Bat

Karner Blue Butterfly

Kirtland's Warbler

Piping Plover

Whooping Crane

Endangered Species Act









S7 Consultation


Regional Office Staff

ES Field Offices



Endangered Species Resource Materials

PDF version


The endangered species resource materials listed below can be sent to you free of charge from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Endangered Species, Region 3. Most of our materials focus on species that can be found in the 8-state area of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Some of the materials were developed by other agencies.


Many products are available on our website or you may request resource materials by writing, telephoning, or faxing the Division of Endangered Species. You may download a PDF version this list and write your request directly on it. Please indicate how many of each item you would like and be sure to include your complete mailing address. We have information on the following:


____ American black bear
____ American buffalo
____ Black-footed ferret
____ Canada lynx
____ Elephant
____ Florida panther
____ Giant panda
____ Gray bat
____ Gray wolf
____ Grizzly bear
____ Indiana bat
____ Muskox
____ Ozark big-eared bat
____ Red wolf
____ Rhinoceras
____ Polar bear
____ Tiger
____ West Indian manatee
____ Walrus

____ American peregrine falcon
____ Bald eagle
____ Brown pelican
____ California condor
____ Dodo
____ Eskimo curlew
____ Interior least tern
____ Ivory-billed woodpecker (brochure)
____ Kirtland's warbler
____ Piping plover
____ Trumpeter swan
____ Whooping crane


____ American alligator
____ Copperbelly water snake
____ Desert tortoise
____ Eastern massasauga
____ Lake Erie water snake
____ Sea Turtles


____ Neosho madtom
____ Niangua darter
____ Ozark cavefish
____ Pallid sturgeon
____ Pacific salmon
____ Scioto madtom
____ Topeka shiner


Clams (Freshwater Mussels, Unionids)
____ Clubshell
____ Cracking pearlymussel
____ Curtis' pearlymussel
____ Dwarf wedge mussel
____ Fanshell
____ Fat pocketbook
____ Higgin's eye pearlymussel
____ Northern riffleshell
____ Orange-foot pimpleback pearlymussel
____ Pink mucket pearlymussel
____ Purple cat's paw pearlymussel
____ Ring pink mussel
____ Rough pigtoe
____ Tubercled-blossom pearlymussel
____ White cat's paw pearlymussel
____ White wartyback pearlymussel
____ Winged mapleleaf mussel


____ Illinois cave amphipod
____ Iowa Pleistocene snail
____ Tumbling Creek cavesnail

____ American burying beetle
____ Hine's emerald dragonfly
____ Hungerford's crawling water beetle
____ Karner blue butterfly
____ Mitchell's satyr butterfly


____ American hart's-tongue fern
____ Decurrent false aster
____ Dwarf lake iris
____ Eastern prairie fringed orchid
____ Fassett's locoweed
____ Geocarpon
____ Houghton's goldenrod
____ Lakeside daisy
____ Leafy prairie-clover
____ Leedy's roseroot
____ Mead's milkweed
____ Michigan monkey-flower
____ Minnesota dwarf trout lily
____ Missouri bladderpod
____ Northern wild monkshood
____ Pitcher's thistle
____ Pondberry
____ Prairie bush-clover
____ Price's potato-bean
____ Running buffalo clover
____ Small whorled pogonia
____ Virginia spiraea
____ Western prairie fringed orchid


Information about the Endangered Species Act
____ Candidate Species [2/2007] [PDF]

____ Consultations with Federal Agencies [2/2007] Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act [PDF]

____ Critical Habitat PDF (fact sheet)

____ ESA Basics PDF (fact sheet)

____ HCP Overview [PDF]

____ Habitat Conservation Plans and the Incidental Take Permitting Process [12/2005] [PDF]
____ A History of the ESA

____ Listing a Species as Threatened or Endangered, Section 4 of The Endangered Species Act [9/2007] [PDF]

____ Petition process[9/2001] [PDF]

____ Recovery, Frequently Asked Questions [8/2002] [PDF]

____ Conservation Profiles: Landowners Help Imperiled Wildlife
____ Working Together: Tools for Helping Imperiled Wildlife on Private Lands (23 page brochure)

____ Safe Harbor Agreements 2/2004 for Private Property Owners, Questions and Answers [PDF]

____ Our Endangered Species Program and How It Works with Landowners [11/2007] [PDF]


Other Information
____ Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants (worldwide list of endangered and threatened species)
____ Endangered Species Act of 1973 (PDF)
____ Endangered, Threatened, and Proposed Species of Region 3 (list)
____ Candidate Species in Region 3 (list)
____ Extinct Wildlife (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Illinois (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Iowa (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Indiana (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Michigan (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Minnesota (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Missouri (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Ohio (list)
____ Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in Wisconsin (list)
____ Habitat Conservation Plans: The Quiet Revolution (booklet)
____ Critical Habitat Fact Sheet
____ Leaving a Lasting Legacy: Permits as a Conservation Tool

____ Why Save Endangered Species (pamphlet) PDF


Especially for Kids
____ What You Can Do to Help Endangered Wildlife and Plants (PDF)


Posters (limit your request to 3 posters, please)
____ 2007 Pollinator Week Poster

____ 2008 Pollinator Week Poster
____ National Wolf Poster: 2007
____ Regional Wolf Poster: 2007


____ Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest
____ Live and Let Live: People and the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
____ Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Frogs: Lawn and Garden Care

(Audio visual materials are available from the Resource Center at Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Write for your free catalog: Resource Center, Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, 3815 East 80th Street, Bloomington, Minnesota, 55425-1600. See <http://midwest.fws.gov/MinnesotaValley/resource_center.html>.


List of publications on the National Endangered Species website.


Endangered Species audio visual materials include a gray wolf education trunk, Suitcase for Survival, films, videos, and more.)

Your Name:

Send your request to the address below

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Endangered Species Division
1 Federal Drive
Fort Snelling, MN 55111



Last updated: July 23, 2008