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Abdominal Strength

All Health A-Z Results: 1-4 of 4 Web Pages

Core Exercises: Beyond Your Average Abs Routine  External Link

A well-balanced core exercise routine focuses on more than your abs. Gain a better understanding of the role your body's core muscles play and how to strengthen them. ... Details >

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research  External Link

Pilates: A Core Conditioning Program   External Link

Pilates, named for its founder Joseph Pilates, is a total conditioning program that works your body “from the inside out” by focusing on “core” muscles – mostly those in the stomach and back. ... Details >

AARP  External Link

Strengthen Your Abdominals with Stability Balls  External Link

The stability ball - an extra-large, inflatable orb designed to improve balance while targeting specific muscle groups - can be adapted for many uses, including developing core strength, improving pos... Details >

American Council on Exercise®  External Link

Pilates  External Link

This document introduces Pilates, a form of anaerobic exercise that improves your mental and physical well-being, increases flexibility, and strengthens muscles.... Details >

Nemours Foundation  External Link