Cued Speech

Cued Speech Cued Speech

Cued Speech is a system of communication used with and among deaf or hard of hearing people. Cued Speech makes traditionally spoken languages accessible by using a small number of handshapes (representing consonants) in different locations near the mouth (representing vowels), as a supplement to lipreading. Cued Speech is now used with people with a variety of language, speech, communication and learning needs.

Why Cued Language is a Great Thing for Cued Speech - Article by Claire Klossner for Language Matters, Inc.
Language Matters - Explains the difference between cued speech, cuem, cued English, and cued language.
Cued Speech Information - Information and resources relating to Cued Speech. Answers to commonly asked questions as well as responses to myths related to Cued Speech and cued language use in various settings.

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