Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Programs
Midwest Region

Endangered Species Program

Overview of Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs
Cycle of Success
Grant Programs
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs Tool Kit
State Accomplishment Reports

Phone: 612-713-5130
V/TTY: 800-657-3775
Address: 1 Federal Drive
BHW Federal Building
Fort Snelling, MN 55111

Since 1939, Region 3 states have used Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program grants to acquire, through fee title, leases and easements, lands for conservation and/or public use.

Listed below are links to States in Region 3 that have lands databases available to the public.

The graphic below illustrates the numbers of acres States have encumbered using Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program dollars. Land acquired with Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program money is protected from development and misuse.

Map showing the acres of land obtained by each of eight states: MN 425,205 | IA 77,768 | MO 231,892 | WI 1,039,897 | IL 39,330 | IN 70,366 | MI 210,506 | OH 115,334 | Total 2,210,310

Search  Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs
Region 3: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Phone: 612/713-5130
Last updated: July 7, 2008