Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration Programs
Midwest Region

Grant Programs

Region 3's Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs administer grant programs which total approximately $152 million annually. To learn more about these grant programs — including the purpose, eligible participants, funding source, matching requirements, and details about the project selection process — click on the program links that follow.

Grant Writing Guidelines
These guidelines provide assistance for those writing grant proposals.

Competitive Program?
Visit the Grants.gov Web site.

Federal Aid and Fish and Wildlife
Read articles from the Missouri Conservationist and This link opens in a new windowOutdoor Illinois (1.27 MB Adobe pdf file) magazines.

Major Grant Programs

Small Grant Programs


Search  Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs
Region 3: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Phone: 612/713-5130
Last updated: July 7, 2008