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Witness Justice - WJ

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

P.O. Box 475
Frederick, MD 21705-0475

800-4WJ-HELP (Voice - Toll-free)
301-846-9110 (Voice)
301-846-9113 (FAX)


The mission of Witness Justice is to empower and assist victims of violent crime and their loved ones through both the trauma healing and criminal justice processes. To achieve its mission, the organization provides the following services: (a) tools and practical information regarding the healing and criminal justice processes; (b) access to other survivors and experts (mental health professionals, law enforcement officials, etc.); (c) survivor stories to which victims can relate, and which can help offenders or potential offenders better understand the impacts and consequences of violence; (d) peer support; (e) channels for advocacy and activism; (f) personalized expert responses to individual inquiries from professional volunteers and staff; (g) resources and access to other supportive organizations; (h) information for friends, family members, employers, and co-workers of violent crime survivors; and (i) communication tools and professional public relations services for service providers.

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Review Date

Thu Mar 16, 2006