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Diseases & Conditions Results: 1-6 of 6 Web Pages

AHS Committee for Education Physicians Database: Find a Physician  External Link

Search by city, state, zip code, or last name to find an American Council for Headache Education physician.... Details >

AHS Committee for Headache Education  External Link

Cluster Headaches  External Link

A cluster headache is a rare type of headache that is more common in men. Cluster headaches start suddenly. The pain is usually behind or around one eye and is very severe. The eye and nose on the sam... Details >

American Academy of Family Physicians  External Link

Headache Information

A general overview of headache that includes a description of the disorder, and treatment, prognosis and research information. Suggested reading for more in-depth information and a list of other relat... Details >

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health

Headache Topics  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

This page features links to headache topics from the National Headache Foundation.... Details >

National Headache Foundation  External Link

Migraine Update

This brief fact sheet on migraine includes the causes and triggers of migraines.... Details >

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health

Oooh, Your Aching Head  External Link

This fact sheet provides a definition of a headache to children including what causes a headache, different types of headaches and how to prevent headaches.... Details >

Nemours Foundation  External Link