Midwest Region
Work Life Balance

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The Fish and Wildlife Service helps employees balance home and work responsibilities.  We offer comprehensive family-friendly flexibilities, such as:

  • Alternate Work Schedules

  • Flexiplace (Telecommuting)

  • Leave Sharing

  • Transportation Fringe Benefits

  • Employee Transportation Subsidy

  • Employee Assistance Programs - provides, at no cost to employees, confidential counseling on personal and/or work related matters.

  • Leave for Medical conditions and family responsibilities

  • Employee Safety Escort Service 

  • Health Unit - on-site nurse station at Regional Office which provides a variety of health services, including first aid, immunizations, and ongoing health screening.

  • Referral Services - provides information from organizations who can provide recommendations for resources of such services as adoption/foster care, child care, elder care, medical care, legal assistance, realtor services, etc.

  • Child Care Centers - on-site center at Regional Office for employees in area to utilize; also provides a list of resources.

  • Part-time and Job Sharing

  • Fitness Center Membership Subsidy

  • On-site Fitness Center (Regional Office)

Last updated: July 8, 2008