Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Breeding Birds of the Platte River Valley

Rose-breasted Grosbeak -- (Pheucticus ludovicianus)

Nebraska Status: A common migrant and summer resident in eastern Nebraska. Rose-breasted grosbeak is known to hybridize with black-headed grosbeak at the western limit of its range (Johnsgard 1980). Peak migrations occur 1 to 10 May in spring and during 12 August to 24 September in fall.

Platte River Status: A fairly common migrant and nesting species in the eastern third of the study area; uncommon to rare and local elsewhere. Occurrence dates at the Mormon Island Crane Meadows, Hall County, extend from 25 March to 5 September. Swenk (1936) stated that there were no confirmed breeding records for the area west of 100o W. longitude by the mid-1930's. Rosche (1979) found this species only once (15 May 1977) in the lower North Platte River Valley. Rose-breasted grosbeak was reported during 18 July to 19 August 1977 and in May 1978 at Cedar Point, Keith County (Rosche 1979). Tout (1947) found rose-breasted grosbeak in Lincoln County rarely during 10-26 May.

Breeding Range: A fairly common nesting species along the Platte River west to Dawson County; uncommon and local on the Eastern Plain; rare and local elsewhere. Short (1961) found rose-breasted grosbeak west along the Platte River only to Elm Creek, Hall County.

Breeding Population: The population in 1979-1980 was estimated at 610 breeding pairs.

Habitat: We found the highest mean breeding density (3.0 pairs/km2) in lowland forest, followed by 1.2 pairs/km2 in river channel island. Faanes and Andrew (1983) found the rose-breasted grosbeak to be a fairly common nesting species in late seral stage deciduous habitats in northeastern North Dakota. Stewart (1975) described the breeding habitat of this species as semi-open mesophytic deciduous forest.

Effect of Habitat Alteration: Rose-breasted grosbeak has benefited from de-watering of the Platte River system and the subsequent establishment of wooded vegetation within the stream channel. Ornamental plantings in residential areas are also beneficial to this species.

Nesting Data: We have records of three rose-breasted grosbeak nests within the study area. Swenk (1936) reported nesting of rose-breasted grosbeak at Prosser, Adams County in 1924, and also young being fed by adults at Hastings, Adams County 3 July 1924. Kansas egg dates range from 11 May to 11 July (Johnsgard 1979).

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