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Iraqi, U.S. Forces Continue Response to Car-Bomb Attacks

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2005 – Iraqi security forces and U.S. soldiers continue to respond to car-bomb attacks in various districts of Baghdad, Iraq, today, military officials reported.

Terrorists targeted an Iraqi police patrol in north Baghdad around 12:20 p.m., causing multiple casualties. Ten minutes later, a U.S. patrol was hit by in central Baghdad. Two U.S. soldiers were injured in the attack.

Another U.S. patrol was attacked in south Baghdad at 1:10 p.m. One soldier was wounded in the incident. A U.S. explosive ordnance disposal team later discovered four 130 mm projectiles in the vehicle.

At 1:25 p.m., another vehicle-borne bomb targeted an Iraqi police checkpoint in central Baghdad, causing multiple civilian casualties.

While en route to the scene of that explosion, a U.S. EOD team was attacked by another vehicle bomb at 2:10 p.m. Five U.S. soldiers were wounded in the blast. Another U.S. unit was called to help secure the site at the police station and came under attack from small-arms fire, grenades and mortars.

Earlier in the day, Iraqi and U.S. forces responded to six different vehicle bomb attacks that killed scores of Iraqi civilians and wounded two U.S. soldiers and dozens of Iraqi civilians. Elsewhere in Iraq, Iraqi Intervention Force troops detained a suspected bomber and a suspected insurgent leader.

Troops from the 1st Battalion, 4th Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force, working with coalition forces, detained a man suspected of assaulting a woman after a brief pursuit today.

After finding unexploded ordnance northwest of Nasser Wa Salam, Iraqi soldiers and multinational forces saw a man running to a vehicle that was parked near the site and then fleeing the scene.

The troops pursued the man until he stopped and ran into a residence, where they heard women screaming.

Upon entering the home, soldiers found a woman, later identified as the suspect's mother-in-law, suffering from head injuries. She told the soldiers that he was a terrorist and was putting bombs in the roads.

The man was taken into custody and the woman was taken to the local hospital with a suspected skull fracture.

Troops from the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force, detained a suspected insurgent Sept. 13 east of Saqlawiyah during a combined operation with multinational forces.

Iraqi soldiers and U.S. Marines conducted a combined cordon-and-knock operation and detained a positively identified man suspected of being the leader of a known insurgent cell in the Saqlawiyah-Fallujah area. He was taken into custody for further questioning concerning local terrorist attacks.

(Compiled from Multinational Force Iraq and Task Force Baghdad news releases.)

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