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Bush Longs for Peace for All

By Linda D. Kozaryn
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 1, 2002 – The United States must do what is right to defend freedom for all people, President Bush said today in Cleveland.

"History has called us into action," the president told about 3,000 people representing local community groups, charities, nonprofit groups, and school-choice organizations assembled at Cleveland's State Theater.

"For the sake of our young, for the sake of our children and our grandchildren," he said, "we must be strong enough and resolved enough to defend freedom to the core, to not waiver or tire in the face of an enemy that hopes that we relinquish our love for freedom and the values that we hold dear in America.

"I want the youngsters here to understand this great country doesn't seek revenge, we seek justice," Bush continued. "This great country, when we go somewhere, we don't go as conquerors. We go as liberators.

The president said he wants the country to keep in mind what happened in Afghanistan -- a country with a complacent government that had been hijacked by al Qaeda terrorist killers. "We said, 'If you harbor terrorists, you're just like the terrorists and we'll treat you just like the terrorists.'

"We upheld that doctrine by removing the Taliban, but more importantly, we liberated people," the president said. "For the first time, young girls go to school in Afghanistan thanks to the United States and our coalition," he said, drawing more applause.

"We believe in freedom for all," Bush stressed. "We believe in the value of individual life. We're a compassionate, strong nation a nation that through our determination will bring peace."

Bush admitted he's guilty of "war-like talk," but he wants people to know that he loves peace.

"I want to the world to be at peace," he said. "I believe out of the evil done to America can come some good. One of the 'goods' is going to be a peaceful world -- peace in places where we haven't seen peace in a long time, and peace at home for our children and our grandchildren.

"I long for a peaceful world for every citizen on the face of the globe," he declared. "I believe that the United States can lead the peace if we're strong, resolved and unified."