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The CIO Council
The Chief Information Officers (CIOs) Council is the principal interagency forum to assist CIOs in realizing their mandates to ensure the rapid and effective implementation of information management and information technology (IM/IT) solutions within each agency and to create a more results-oriented, efficient, and citizen-centered Federal government. The CIO Council works to improve agency practices related to the acquisition modernization, use, sharing, and performance of Federal government information resources.

The following working committees support the work of the CIO Council:

  • Best Practices
  • Architecture & Infrastructure Committee
  • IT Workforce

Additional information can be found at the Council's website:


Chief Architects Forum
The Chief Architects Forum (CAF) represents Chief Architects in the Federal Enterprise Architecture Community and serves as their formal voice. The forum provides an opportunity for them to share real world experiences and to identify specific issues to promote EA. CAF provides a collaborative internet service and encourages participation among the Federal EA community. Additional information can be found at the CAF's website:
Chief Architects Forum


Industry Advisory Council
The Industry Advisory Council (IAC), a working council of the American Council for Technology (ACT), works to bring industry and government executives together to exchange information, support professional development, improve communications, and build partnership and trust, thereby enhancing government’s ability to serve the nation. ACT and IAC work together to provide an objective, professional and ethical forum where government and industry leaders can collaborate on addressing common issues towards a shared vision. Additional information can be found at IAC’s website:
Industry Advisory Council