Publications Home

East-West Center expertise and research findings are published by the East-West Center and by presses and collaborating organizations throughout the region and the world. Publications address a range of critical issues in the Asia Pacific region.



Featured Publications


China and the Global Financial Crisis
Christopher A. McNally
December 12, 2008
Civil Society in Burma: The Development of Democracy Amidst Conflict
Ashley South
Framing Security Agendas: U.S. Counterterrorist Policies and Southeast Asian Responses
Rosemary Foot
Guarding the Guardians: Accountability and Anticorruption in Fiji's Cleanup Campaign
Peter Larmour
How (and Why) the United States Should Help to Build the ASEAN Economic Community
Michael G. Plummer with responses by Scot A. Marciel, Kishore Mahbubani, and Chalongphob Sussangkarn
September 2008
Intervention and State-Building in the Pacific: The Legitimacy of 'Cooperative Intervention'
Greg Fry and Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka (eds.)
The Long Shadow: Nuclear Weapons and Security in 21st Century Asia
Muthiah Alagappa (ed.)
Mongolia's Cloudy Future: Part II
Alphonse F. La Porta
November 10, 2008
Multitrack Integration in East Asian Trade: Noodle Bowl or Matrix?
Peter A. Petri
October 2008
Shifting Currents of U.S. and Asia Pacific Economics, Resources, and Security
Jerry Burris (rapporteur)
Southeast Asia in Political Science: Theory, Region, and Qualitative Analysis
Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Dan Slater, and Tuong Vu (eds.)
Southern Thailand: The Dynamics of Conflict
John Funston
Sustaining a Resilient Asia Pacific Community
Wilmar Salim and Kiran Sagoo (eds.)
Under Foreign Pressure, Chinese Support Their Government
Denny Roy
October 17, 2008
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