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Reactor Vessel Head Degradation - Public Meetings

Public Meetings for 2003

This page lists, in chronological order, the notices, slides and summaries documenting the public meetings held concerning Reactor Vessel Head Degradation for 2003. To learn about future meetings, see our public meeting schedule page.

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Category 1 Meeting: Discussion by the licensee of its activities associated with the assessment and actions being taken to address operational performance, safety culture, and safety conscious work environment issues.

Contact: Jan Strasma, 630-829-9663
12/19/03 Category 1 meeting: Discuss the results of the Restart Assessment Team Inspection. Discuss the results of Management and Human Performance Team Inspection.

Contact: Jan Strasma, 630-829-9663 or Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619
12/10/03 Category 1 meeting: Discuss the licensee's improvement plans relating to corrective action program implementation weaknesses identified during the Corrective Action Team Inspection. Focus will be in the area of engineering activities before and after plant restart.

Contact: Julio Lara, 630-829-9731

Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities fo rthe Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Jan Strasma, 630-829-9663


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Jan Strasma, 630-829-9663


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process.

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619

10/30/03 Category 2 Meeting: Corrosion of Reactor Pressure Boundary Materials in Boric Acid Solutions

Contact: William Cullen 301-415-7510

Meeting Notice and Agenda
Task 3 Slides
Task 4 Slides

10/21/03 Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the modification of the Davis-Besse high pressure injection pumps.

Contact: Jon Hopkins, 301-415-3027

Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the results of the Corrective Action Team Inspection and System Health Inspection

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process.

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619

09/29/03 -

Nickel-Base Alloy, Vessel Penetration Conference

Contact: William Cullen, 301-415-6754


Safety Culture Public Meeting

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 3 Meeting: Re: 10 CFR 2.206 Petition on Davis-Besse. Allow petitioners to provide any relevant additional explanation and support for petition request.

Contact: Mel Fields 301-415-3062


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process.

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities fo rthe Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the Plans for Modifying the Davis-Besse High Pressure Injection Pumps

Contact: Jon Hopkins, 301-415-3027


Category 2 Meeting: Discussion of actions to address Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Recommendations

Contact: Brendan Moroney, 301-415-3974

06/03/03 Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619
06/03/03 Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619

Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the licensee's plans to address Engineering Design Issue Resolution

Contact: Dave Passehl, 630-829-9872


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619

05/06/03 Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Location: Camp Perry Clubhouse, Port Clinton, OH


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss preliminary findings and observations from an NRC supplemental inspection conducted to review the licensee's evaluation of two "White" radiological performance issues and other aspects of the radiation protection program restart readiness.

Contact: Sonia Burgess, 630-829-9663


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the Results of the Davis-Besse Reactor Vessel Incore Monitoring Instrumentation Nozzles Reactor Coolant Leakage Simulation

Contact: Jon Hopkins, 301-415-3027

03/24/03 -

Rescheduled for 9/29/03-10/02/03

Nickel-Base Alloy, Vessel Penetration Conference

Contact: William Cullen, 301-415-6754


Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619

02/24/03 Category 2 Meeting: To discuss with Industry the Orders Issued on Reactor Vessel Head Inspections.

Contact: Steven Bloom, 301-415-1313
02/11/03 Category 1 Meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619
02/11/03 Category 3 Meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619
01/30/03 Category 1 Meeting: Discuss the licensee's plans to address Safety Conscious Work Environment

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619

Category 1 meeting: Discuss licensee performance and progress on the Return to Service Plan as part of the IMC 0350 Process

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619


Category 3 meeting: Present to the local public the status of the NRC's Oversight Panel activities for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Contact: Christine Lipa, 630-829-9619

For related information see Generic Activities on Alloy 600 Cracking.

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