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Title VI Program
Page Contents

Mission Statement
The Environmental Justice component of Title VI guarantees fair treatment for people of all races, cultures, and incomes regarding the development of environmental justice laws, regulations and policies.

What is the Title VI Program?
Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, people involved with any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance cannot be discriminated against based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, religion or income status. Under Title VI, ODOT must:
  • Ensure involvement of low-income and minority groups in the decision making process (public involvement)
  • Safeguard low-income and minority groups against disproportionately high and adverse decisions
  • Ensure low income and minority groups receive their fair share of benefits

Title VI Program Objectives
Provide direction and technical assistance to ODOT program area managers, cities, counties, metropolitan planning organizations (MPO's), and contractors to ensure compliance with Title VI.

Conduct reviews of program areas, cities, counties, MPO's, contractors, universities, colleges, planning agencies and other recipients of federal-aid highway funds to ensure compliance with Title VI.

Ensure that Title VI requirements are included in program area directives to prevent discrimination.

Represent ODOT at public hearings and monitor for adequate participation of communities affected by ODOT activities.

Investigate and resolve Title VI complaints.

Update ODOT's Title VI Plan to reflect organizational policy or implementation changes.

Submit annual report of ODOT's Title VI activities to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

Develop and deliver Title VI and Environmental Justice training.

Review Environmental Impact Statements for Title VI compliance.

Most Affected by Title VI

Title VI Plan 2005-2006
Title VI Update for ODOT; July1,2005-June 30, 2006 Select to view

This plan can be used as a template for ODOT's sub recipients when creating their own plan or a letter can be signed in agreement to follow ODOT's plan.

  • Sample Title VI Complaint Form (doc)

  • State highway agency responsibilities for Title VI (pdf) (txt)

Contact Information
For more information about the Title VI and LEP Program, contact our Title VI - Environmental Justice/LEP Officer

Page updated: December 27, 2007

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