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Cartography and Spatial Data Services, Region 5 - State GIS Links Page

Places to find GIS data to go with Refuge Boundaries
A somewhat random and non-inclusive list of state GIS links
If you find any more places to access GIS data in the Northeast U.S. ,
Send an e-mail to

Connecticut -  MAGIC - UConn Map Library
Delaware -  University of Delaware
Maine -  Maine Office of GIS Home Page
Maryland -  Maryland Department of Natural Resources PA Map Viewer
Massachusetts -  Mass GIS Home Page
New Hampshire -  University of New Hampshire
New Jersey - New Jersey DEP - Bureau of GIS
New York -  New York State - Interactive Mapping Gateway
New York -  New York State GIS Clearinghouse
Pennsylvania -  Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access System
Pennsylvania -  Pennsylvania OA Goespatial Technologies Imagery FTP
Rhode Island -  Rhode Island GIS
Vermont -  Vermont Center for Geographic Information
Virginia -  University of Virginia Library - Virginia Digital Spatial Data
West Virginia - West Virginia GIS Data Clearinghouse

Here are a few general spatial data links:
The USGS Home Page
The US Geo Data Page

USFWS Gulf of Maine Coastal Program
EPA Watershed Site

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