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Great Falls, Montana
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Current Hazards
Current Conditions
Weather Safety
Local Information
Drought Information

Local drought report
Semi-Monthly Drought Report

Local temperature and precipitation graphics
Great Falls - Current Water Year Precipitation Departures From Normal
Daily/monthly temp & precip graphics
Comparision of precipitation anomolies between dust bowl and current drought.
Up-To-Date Precip Totals
Great Falls Soil Mini Weather Station Conditions
Great Falls Soil Moisture Conditions
Great Falls Soil Temperature/Precip/Evaporation Conditions
Montana average wind, City climate data, Coop data
Drought Self-Brief

Crop Moisture and Palmer Index
CPC - Palmer and Crop Moisture Index

CBRFC - Monthly and Seasonal Pcpn Maps
CDC - Drought Monitoring 15/30/45/60 day precipitation
CPC - Climate Diagnostics Bulletin
CPC - Degree Days
CPC - Recent 7/30/90 day Pcpn accumulation and Dep from Normal
CPC - 30/90/365 day Pcpn plots for selected cities
CPC - 30/90/365 day Temp plots for selected cities
CPC - Precip and Temperature Monitoring
CPC - Snowcover
CPC - Soil Moisture Monitoring
CPC - Weekly Drought Monitor
NCDC - Monthly preliminary data
NGDC - Drought analysis on-line
NGDC - Reconstruction of Past Droughts across the US
NRCS - Western Water Obs and Outlook
USDA Weekly Weather and Crop Report
USDA Weekly Total Precipitation Map
WRCC - Standardized Precipitation Maps
Historical Annual and Seasonal Precipitation Chart
Canadian Prairies Drought conditions
Remote Sensing of Pcpn
MBRFC - Radar/Gauge Precipitation Estimates
NESDIS - Satellite Precipitation Estimates
NCAR/UCAR - Stage 4 precipitation map

Greenness and fuels Maps
Forest Service
Visual Greenness US Map
Relative Greenness US Map
Departure from Average Greenness US Map
Experimental Live Moisture Map
1000-hr Fuels US Map
100-hr Fuels US Map
10-hr Fuels US Map
Fire Danger Class US Map
Next-day Fire Danger Class US Map
Keetch-Byram Drought Index
NESDIS - Vegetation Health and Fire Danger

CPC - Seasonal Drought Outlook
HPC - 1-5 Day Total Precipitation Forecast
HPC - Day 3 Precipitation Forecast
HPC - Days 4-5 Total Precipitation Forecast
CPC - 6-10 Day Temperature Outlook
CPC - 8-14 Day Temperature Outlook
CPC - 8-14 Day Precipitation Outlook
CPC - 30 & 90 day Outlooks
El/La Nina Info

Miscellaneous Climate and other Data
WRCC - Home Page
WRCC - Historical Station Data
GTF - Temp/Precip, Pcpn Maps, LCD, CLI
USBR - Agrimet
USGS - Daily Streamflow conditions for Montana

US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Great Falls Weather Forecast Office
5324 Tri-Hill Frontage Rd
Great Falls, MT 59404-4933

Tel: (406) 453-2081

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Freedom of Information Act
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Career Opportunities

National Weather Service Mission: "The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. NWS data and products form a national information database and infrastructure which can be used by other governmental agencies, the private sector, the public, and the global community."