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Retrofit/Rebuild Requirements for 1993 and Earlier Model Year Urban Buses; Public Review of a Notification of Intent to Certify Equipment

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[Federal Register: March 20, 1998 (Volume 63, Number 54)]
[Page 13662-13664]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]




Retrofit/Rebuild Requirements for 1993 and Earlier Model Year
Urban Buses; Public Review of a Notification of Intent to Certify

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice of agency receipt of a notification of intent to certify
equipment and initiation of 45-day public review and comment period.


SUMMARY: Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) has submitted to the Agency a
notification of intent to certify urban bus retrofit/rebuild equipment
pursuant to 40 CFR part 85, subpart O. The notification, with cover
letter dated December 8, 1997 describes equipment intended to comply
with the 0.10 g/bhp-hr particulate matter (PM) standard.
    The candidate equipment is applicable to all 1985 through 1993
model year federal and California certified 6V92TA DDEC engines
manufactured by Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC). This includes all
DDEC II engines, DDEC I engines (1985 through 1987), and methanol-
fueled engines (manufactured from 1991 through 1993).
    The equipment utilizes components from DDC's certified engine
upgrade kit, modified fuel injectors, conversion from DDEC II to DDEC
III engine control system, and a converter/muffler (previously
certified to reduce particulate matter by 25 percent and manufactured
by either Engine Control System Ltd, Engelhard Corporation, or Nelson
    Both the federal and California exhaust emissions standards for NOx
were lowered to 5.0 g/bhp-hr beginning with the 1991 model year. The
emissions data provided with DDC's notification indicate that engines
equipped with the candidate equipment can meet the 5.0 g/bhp-hr
NOX standard. Therefore, if certified, the equipment could
be used for all applicable engines, including those in California.
    No life cycle costs information has been submitted by DDC. If
certified, no new requirements would be placed on operators, and no
operator would be required to purchase this equipment as a result of
the certification.
    Pursuant to Sec. 85.1407(a)(7), today's Federal Register notice
summarizes the notification, announces that the notification is
available for public review and comment, and initiates a 45-day period
during which comments can be submitted.
    The Agency will review this notification of intent to certify, as
well as any comments it receives, to determine whether the equipment
described in the notification of intent to certify should be certified.
If certified, the equipment can be used by urban bus operators to
reduce the particulate matter of urban bus engines.
    The notification of intent to certify, as well as other materials
specifically relevant to it, are contained in Category XXIV of Public
Docket A-93-42, entitled ``Certification of Urban Bus Retrofit/Rebuild
Equipment''. This docket is located at the address listed below.
    Today's notice initiates a 45-day period during which the Agency
will accept written comments relevant to whether or not the equipment
included in this notification of intent to certify should be certified.
Comments should be provided in writing to Public Docket A-93-42,
Category XXIV, at the address below, and an identical copy should be
submitted to William Rutledge, also at the address below.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before May 4, 1998.

ADDRESSES: Submit separate copies of comments to each of the two
following addresses:
    1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Public Docket A-93-42
(Category XXIV), Room M-1500, 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 20460.
    2. William Rutledge, Engine Programs and Compliance Division
(6403J), 401 ``M'' Street SW., Washington, DC 20460.
    The DDC notification of intent to certify, as well as other
materials specifically relevant to it, are contained in the public
docket indicated above. Docket items may be inspected from 8 a.m. until
5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. As provided in 40 CFR Part 2, a
reasonable fee may be charged by the Agency for copying docket

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William Rutledge, Engine Programs and
Compliance Division (6403J), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401
M Street S.W., Washington, DC 20460. Telephone: (202) 564-9297.


I. Background

    On April 21, 1993, the Agency published final Retrofit/Rebuild
Requirements for 1993 and Earlier Model Year Urban Buses (58 FR 21359).
The retrofit/rebuild program is intended to reduce the ambient levels
of particulate matter (PM) in urban areas and is limited to 1993 and
earlier model year (MY) urban buses operating in metropolitan areas
with 1980 populations of 750,000 or more, whose engines are rebuilt or
replaced after January 1, 1995. Operators of the affected buses are
required to choose between two compliance options: Program 1 sets
particulate matter emissions requirements for each urban bus engine in
an operator's fleet which is rebuilt or replaced; Program 2 is a fleet
averaging program that establishes specific annual target levels for
average PM emissions from urban buses in an operator's fleet.
    A key aspect of the program is the certification of retrofit/
rebuild equipment. To meet either of the two compliance options,
operators of the

[[Page 13663]]

affected buses must use equipment which has been certified by the
Agency. Requirements under either of the two compliance options depend
on the availability of retrofit/rebuild equipment certified for each
engine model. To be used for Program 1, equipment must be certified as
meeting a 0.10 g/bhp-hr PM standard or as achieving at least a 25
percent reduction in PM. Equipment used for Program 2 must be certified
as providing some level of PM reduction that would in turn be claimed
by urban bus operators when calculating their average fleet PM levels
attained under the program. For Program 1, information on life cycle
costs must be submitted in the notification of intent to certify in
order for certification of the equipment to initiate (or trigger)
program requirements. To trigger program requirements, the certifier
must guarantee that the equipment will be available to all affected
operators for a life cycle cost of $7,940 or less at the 0.10 g/bhp-hr
PM level, or for a life cycle cost of $2,000 or less for 25 percent or
greater reduction in PM. Both of these values are based on 1992

II. Notification of Intent To Certify

    By a notification of intent to certify, DDC applied for
certification of equipment applicable to all of its federal and
California certified 6V92TA model engines having electronically
controlled fuel injection (Detroit Diesel Electronic Control--DDEC)
that were originally manufactured between 1985 through December 31,
1994. The notification, with cover letter dated December 8, 1997,
signed with the erroneous date of December 12, 1998, and labeled with
an ``Issued'' date of November 19, 1997, describes equipment that is
intended to comply with the 0.10 g/bhp-hr standard and is applicable to
6V92TA DDEC engines of model years 1985--1993. DDEC I engines (1985
through 1987) and methanol-fueled engines (manufactured from 1991
through 1993) may also utilize this kit.
    The equipment utilizes components from DDC's certified engine
upgrade kit, modified fuel injectors, conversion from DDEC II to DDEC
III engine control system, and a converter/muffler (previously
certified to reduce particulate matter by 25 percent and manufactured
by either Engine Control Systems Ltd, Engelhard Corporation, or Nelson
    The equipment to be certified is included in three constituent
kits. The three constituent kits included in this submission are as
    Engine Rebuild Kit--Newly Manufactured Parts: This kit is comprised
of newly manufactured parts and consist of a gasket kit, air inlet
hose, blower drive gear (2.05 to 1), blower by-pass valve assembly,
cylinder kits (piston assemblies and cylinder liners), new electronic
unit fuel injectors and DDEC II to DDEC III conversion kits.
    Engine Rebuild Kit--Reliabilt<SUP></SUP> Parts: This kit includes
Reliabilt<SUP></SUP> remanufactured parts, including camshafts, blower
assembly, turbocharger and head assemblies.
    Converter/Muffler Kits: In order to provide the greatest
flexibility to transit operators by providing several converter/muffler
options, DDC plans to include the converter/mufflers provided by three
suppliers: Engelhard Corporation, Engine Control Systems Ltd, and
Nelson Industries. Transit operators will be able to select a
converter/muffler from any one of the suppliers which will be packaged
as a direct replacement for the vehicle muffler and which will
accommodate the installation requirements of the various engine/vehicle
combinations. Certification of the Engelhard CMX<SUP>TM</SUP>
converter/muffler is described in a Federal Register notice of May 31,
1995 (60 FR 28402. The Engine Control Systems' converter/muffler is
described in a Federal Register notice of January 6, 1997 (62 FR 746).
Nelson Industries' converter/muffler is described in a Federal Register
notice of November 26, 1997 (62 FR 63159).
    One of each type of constituent kit is required for the rebuild of
an engine. The engine rebuild kit usage is based on the required engine
power rating (253 and 277 horsepower is available), engine rotation
direction and orientation (43 degree tilt, 15 degree tilt, and
upright). The notification includes parts lists. The converter/muffler
kit usage is based on the operator's choice of converter supplier and
the engine/vehicle combination.
    DDC states that standard procedures, as described in the service
manual of 92 Series engines, are to be used when rebuilding the base
engine using the candidate kit. No unique rebuild procedures are
required. Additionally, there are no differences in service intervals
or maintenance practices for the base engine associated with the
installation of the kit. The converter/muffler requires no regularly
scheduled maintenance, only an occasional cleaning if the maximum back
pressure of the exhaust system is exceeded.
    DDC presents exhaust emission data that were developed for the
engine configuration rated at 277 horsepower. Testing of the candidate
kit was conducted using each of the three converter/mufflers with the
upgraded engine configuration. The test data indicate that the
emissions of hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen
(NOX), and smoke measurements for the engine equipped with
the candidate equipment are less than exhaust emissions standards
applicable to 1993 model year urban buses. The data is shown in the
table below.

                                                     Exhaust Emissions From 6V92TA DDEC II (277 hp)
                           Gaseous and particulate (g/bhp-hr)                                     Smoke (percent opacity)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        Comment
                HC                       CO          NO<INF>X           PM          BSFC <SUP>a         ACC           LUG          Peak
1.3...............................         15.5          5.0         0.10 <SUP>b .....<SUP>......          20            15            50    1993 Urban Bus
0.3...............................          1.0          4.8         0.08         0.516           1.7           1.2           3.0  Converter/Muffler A.
0.1...............................          0.2          4.7         0.08         0.506           2.2           1.9           2.9  Converter/Muffler B.
0.2...............................          0.5          4.9         0.095        0.517           1.6           1.3           2.7  Converter/Muffler C.
<SUP>a Brake specific fuel consumption in units of pounds of fuel per brake-horsepower-hour.
<SUP>b Non-compliance penalties are available up to 0.25 g/bhp-hr.

    No life cycle costs information has been submitted by DDC. DDC does
not intend certification of this equipment to trigger program
requirements for the applicable engines.
    Even if ultimately certified by EPA, the equipment described in
DDC's notification may require additional review by the California Air
Resources Board (CARB) before use in California. EPA recognizes that
special situations

[[Page 13664]]

may exist in California that are reflected in the unique emissions
standards, engine calibrations, and fuel specifications of the State.
While requirements of the federal urban bus program apply to several
metropolitan areas in California, EPA understands the view of CARB that
equipment certified under the urban bus program, to be used in
California, must be provided with an executive order exempting it from
the anti-tampering prohibitions of that State. Those interested in
additional information should contact the Aftermarket Part Section of
CARB, at (818) 575-6848.
    Certification of the candidate DDC equipment would affect operators
as follows. EPA has not yet certified equipment, for the applicable
DDEC engines, to comply with the 0.10 g/bhp-hr standard and as being
available for less that the applicable life cycle cost. Therefore, the
0.10 g/bhp-hr PM standard has not been triggered for the applicable
engines. If the candidate equipment is certified, then no new
requirements would be placed on operators and no operator would be
required to purchase this equipment as a result of certification.
    If the DDC kit is certified, then it would be available to be used
in full compliance with urban bus program requirements. Certification
of CMX<SUP>TM</SUP> converter/muffler manufactured by the Engelhard
Corporation (60 FR 28402; May 31, 1995) triggered the requirement for
the applicable engines, when rebuilt or replaced, to reduce PM by at
least 25 percent. Until such time that the 0.10 g/bhp-hr standard is
triggered, the certification of the CMX<SUP>TM</SUP> means that
operators who elect to use compliance program 1 must use equipment
certified to reduce PM emissions by at least 25 percent, when
rebuilding or replacing the applicable engines. If certified, the DDC
kit would meet, and exceed, this requirement. The DDC kit could also be
used in full compliance when the program requirement to use equipment
certified to the 0.10 g/bhp-hr standard is triggered.
    If the Agency certifies the candidate equipment, then operators who
choose to comply with Program 2 and install this equipment, would use
the 0.10 g/bhp-hr certification level in their calculations for fleet
level attained (FLA) as specified in the program regulations.
    At a minimum, EPA expects to evaluate this notification of intent
to certify, and other materials submitted as applicable, to determine
whether there is adequate demonstration of compliance with: (1) The
certification requirements of Sec. 85.1406, including whether the
testing accurately substantiates the claimed emission reduction or
emission levels; and, (2) the requirements of Sec. 85.1407 for a
notification of intent to certify.
    The Agency requests that those commenting also consider these
regulatory requirements, plus provide comments on any experience or
knowledge relevant to: (a) Problems with installing, maintaining, and/
or using the candidate equipment on applicable engines; and, (b)
whether the equipment is compatible with affected vehicles.
    The date of this notice initiates a 45-day period during which the
Agency will accept written comments relevant to whether or not the
equipment described in the DDC notification of intent to certify should
be certified pursuant to the Urban Bus Rebuild Requirements. Interested
parties are encouraged to review the notification of intent to certify
and provide comment during the 45-day period. Please send separate
copies of your comments to each of the above two addresses.
    The Agency will review this notification of intent to certify,
along with comments received from interested parties, and attempt to
resolve or clarify issues as necessary. During the review process, the
Agency may add additional documents to the docket. These documents will
also be available for public review and comment.

    Dated: March 12, 1998.
Richard D. Wilson,
Acting Assistant Administrator, Air and Radiation.
[FR Doc. 98-7309 Filed 3-19-98; 8:45 am]


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