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Clean Air Transportation Communities: Innovative Projects to Improve Air Quality and Reduce Greenhouse Gases: Solicitation Notice

[Federal Register: February 21, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 35)]
[Page 11021-11028]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]




Clean Air Transportation Communities: Innovative Projects to
Improve Air Quality and Reduce Greenhouse Gases: Solicitation Notice

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Today's Notice announces the availability of funds and
solicits proposals from state, local, multi-state, and tribal agencies
involved with climate change and transportation/air quality issues, for
pilot projects that have a high potential to spur innovations in the
reduction of transportation-related emissions and

[[Page 11022]]

vehicle miles traveled (VMT), at the local level and throughout the
United States. EPA is particularly interested in projects that
incorporate at least one of the following: smart growth efforts that
reduce transportation-related emissions, commuter choice, and cleaner
vehicles/green fleets (as described elsewhere in this solicitation). To
this purpose, EPA will make available financial assistance ranging from
$50,000 up to $300,000 to each recipient, in the form of cooperative
agreements. EPA hopes to make at least one award to a qualifying tribal
agency, and at least one more award to a qualifying multi-state agency,
depending upon the merits of the proposals received.
    EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is committed
to reducing emissions from the transportation sector through voluntary
efforts to slow the growth of VMT--including encouragement of smart
growth in land use policies (that is, in short, development patterns
designed to minimize VMT)--and promoting the use of cleaner vehicles
and clean, renewable fuels. Many states and localities that are dealing
with the problems associated with increased transportation-related
emissions and VMT (such as congestion and emissions of greenhouse gases
(GHG), criteria pollutants, and airborne toxics) are seeking
nonregulatory federal assistance. Voluntary efforts that improve the
efficiency of the transportation system within the United States,
promote development patterns that reduce the growth in VMT, and expand
the availability of environmentally-sensitive transportation
alternatives play a critical role in helping communities protect the
natural environment, human health, economic vitality, and quality of
    EPA wishes to provide assistance to tribal, state, local, and
multi-state agencies that develop innovative proposals for
demonstration projects that will yield measurable reductions in VMT,
GHG, and/or criteria air pollutants in a coordinated fashion at the
community level. To qualify for funding, the applicant must be a
tribal, state, local, and multi-state agency that proposes a
demonstration project involving new or experimental methods,
technologies, or approaches. So that this competition eventually
generates even greater benefits among numerous other stakeholders, EPA
also requires that such projects be readily replicable in other states
and in local and tribal communities. The cooperative agreements will be
allocated by OTAQ through the competitive process described in this

DATES: The deadline for submitting Final Proposals is Tuesday, April
24, 2001 (that is, they must be postmarked by that date). To allow for
efficient management of the competitive process, OTAQ is requesting
organizations to submit an informal Intent to Apply by Wednesday, March
14, 2001. (Instructions for submitting Intents to Apply and final
proposals are found in Section IX. below.) Submission of an Intent to
Apply is optional; it is a process management tool that will allow OTAQ
to better anticipate the total staff time required for efficient
review, evaluation, and selection of submitted proposals.
    To ensure that every agency interested in participation has an
opportunity to gain any needed additional information useful to the
application process, OTAQ has scheduled two sets of conference calls.
The first pair of calls is primarily intended to help agencies decide
whether this competition is appropriate for them prior to the deadline
for submitting an Intent to Apply. The second pair of calls is intended
to assist agencies with questions about the proper completion and
submission of their proposals. The content of the calls is entirely
dependent upon the questions asked. The dates and times of these calls,
with the call-in phone numbers and access codes, are:
    Tues., March 6, from 3--5 p.m., EST (202-260-2025; access code
    Weds., March 7, from 2:30--4:30 p.m., EST (202-260-2025; access
code 6898#)
    Tues., March 27, from 3--5 p.m., EST (202-260-2025; access code
    Thurs., March 29, from 2--4 p.m., EST (202-260-8330; access code
    Questions and answers from the conference calls will be summarized
and posted as soon as possible on the OTAQ website; the precise web
location of the summaries will be announced at ``www.epa.gov/otaq/
    In order to ensure that all applicants have access to the same
information, the only forums for posing substantive questions on the
competition are these conference calls. Except for responses to
procedural questions (e.g. due dates, proposal formats), EPA will not
provide other assistance prior to final submission of applications.

ADDRESSES: This Notice can also be accessed on the Office of
Transportation and Air Quality Web Page at: ``www.epa.gov/otaq/''.
Click on ``What's New'' or go directly to ``www.epa.gov/otaq/
whatsnew.htm''. Addresses for submitting informal Intents to Apply and
for submitting final proposals can be found in Section IX., below.

Transportation and Air Quality, Transportation and Regional Programs
Division, 2000 Traverwood Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Telephone (734)
214-4205; Fax (734) 214-4052; or email walsh.mary@epa.gov--or--Joann
Jackson Stephens, USEPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality,
Transportation and Regional Programs Division, 2000 Traverwood Dr., Ann
Arbor, MI 48105. Telephone (734) 214-4276; Fax (734) 214-4052; or email

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Eligible Entities: State, local, multi-
state, and tribal agencies actively involved with transportation, air
quality, and/or climate change issues. Such entities must be interested
in undertaking a project with the purpose of reducing transportation
sector emissions through voluntary efforts to decrease VMT and/or
transportation-related emissions. Eligible entities must already be
engaged in some form of partnership with other entities in the
community (e.g., non-governmental organizations, departments of
transportation, departments of energy, other state organizations,
metropolitan planning organizations, councils of government, planning
departments, private companies and business associations, public
transit agencies, universities, public health organizations, state-wide
or community-based non-profit organizations, and so forth) related to
transportation and air quality/climate change issues or some aspect of
transportation and/or air quality planning. EPA would like to emphasize
that it is very interested in receiving applications from tribal
governments, which have historically not have had high representation
among the recipients of OTAQ grants. In addition, EPA particularly
desires that multi-state organizations apply, in the expectation that
their proposals would have a high potential for replication among the
members of such organizations.
    Title: ``Clean Air Transportation Communities: Innovative Projects
to Improve Air Quality and Reduce Greenhouse Gases: Solicitation
    Background: EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ)
recognizes that achieving future reductions in transportation-related
emissions will require more attention to limiting VMT, through such
means as enhancing transportation system efficiency and the
availability of transportation alternatives, promoting smart growth
initiatives and brownfield/infill redevelopment, and addressing travel
behavior. It is worth mentioning that efforts to reduce VMT also yield

[[Page 11023]]

array of other potential benefits, including congestion mitigation,
more liveable communities, reduced demand for additional construction
of roadways (with the associated social, economic, and environmental
consequences), reduced water pollution, waste reduction, and improved
quality of life as a result of spending less time (and money) on
    Historically, OTAQ (formerly the Office of Mobile Sources) has
encouraged the adoption of technological means of reducing criteria
pollutants and toxic emissions from vehicles, with great success. Per-
mile emissions of gaseous criteria pollutants from new vehicles are
already reduced over 90% compared to their predecessors before the era
of emission controls. However, as of 1999, 62 million people in the
United States still lived in areas that do not meet the health-based
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for at least one of six major
air pollutants. And Americans are, on average, driving more miles every
    Moreover, with the growing interest in achieving reductions in GHG
emissions, the issue of reducing all types of pollutant emissions is
even more problematic. The technological measures that have lead to
reductions in a vehicle's tailpipe emissions in the past have done
little to reduce GHG emissions. The trend toward decreasing average
fuel economy in recent years translates directly into increasing GHG
emissions on a per-mile basis. Combined with the steady growth in VMT,
this means that, while most criteria pollutant emissions have trended
downwards in recent years, GHG emissions have been rising steadily.
    EPA, its state counterparts, and local governments are increasingly
examining travel choice and smart growth strategies as they affect VMT
and transportation-related emissions. In this context, OTAQ is
committed to encouraging voluntary efforts as an important part of its
approach. Voluntary efforts to improve the efficiency of the U.S.
transportation system and expand the availability of environmentally-
sensitive transportation alternatives are essential elements in helping
communities balance their charges to protect the natural environment,
human health, economic vitality, and quality of life. This solicitation
advances OTAQ's support of such voluntary efforts.
    EPA also recognizes that, despite huge gains in vehicle-related
emission reductions over the past two decades, there is still the
potential to especially reduce GHG emissions with technology that would
improve the fuel economy of vehicles, and perhaps further reduce GHG
emissions through the use of alternative fuels.
    However, consumers have in the past typically ranked fuel economy
relatively low, when compared to other attributes they look for when
acquiring a vehicle. Consequently, automobile manufacturers have
applied recent technological advances to increased vehicle size, power,
and luxury, rather than to improved fuel economy. In order to encourage
the market penetration of cleaner, more fuel-efficient vehicles and
cleaner renewable fuels, EPA desires to help stakeholders promote and
expand the use of advanced vehicle and fuel technologies, as they
become available. A comprehensive program which combines improved
vehicle choices, reduced emissions, and reduced VMT can provide the
information and resources that the pu blic needs to make more informed
transportation choices.
    EPA recognizes that innovations in reducing VMT and encouraging the
use of cleaner vehicles and cleaner, renewable fuels have been
implemented across the United States in recent years. It is
increasingly clear that the most successful of these have not been one-
time, stand-alone efforts, but rather have been conceived to fit into a
larger, coordinated strategy for transportation-related emissions
reduction over a multi-year scheme. Such programs have typically been
those most successful in productively capitalizing on partnerships
among different types of organizations sharing a common interest in VMT
and/or emission reduction, and in leveraging resources through these
partnerships and other funding sources. Therefore, EPA desires to help
meet its stakeholders' need for seed money and technical assistance to
help them implement more multifaceted approaches to VMT reduction and
the promotion of cleaner vehicles and fuels that have a higher
potential for long-term success.
    Therefore, OTAQ seeks to support up to ten pilot projects through
seed funding, ranging from $50,000 to $300,000 per award (depending
upon the project), and other assistance. OTAQ intends that the
assistance award will help communities identify and launch suites of
innovative and practical transportation solutions that both reduce
impacts on the environment and enhance mobility and access. Through
this Notice, OTAQ seeks proposals for pilot projects in support of
voluntary, consensus-supported activities to improve community designs,
spur transportation innovations, develop and implement incentives, make
more efficient use of transportation systems, promote use of cleaner
fuels and vehicles, create effective partnerships, support the
measurement of results, and recognize exemplary projects. OTAQ
encourages applicants to explore comprehensive approaches that combine
VMT reduction, smart growth, cleaner vehicles, and clean renewable
fuels, thereby providing enhanced opportunities for emissions
reductions. In order to encourage the most successful approaches to
accomplish these objectives, OTAQ is seeking proposals that represent
strong transportation/air quality partnerships among a broad range of
    Because this sort of funding is made available from EPA under the
authority of section 103(b)(3) of the Clean Air Act, the Agency must
assure that a project selected for funding meet two ``threshold
determinations'' for funding; in this context:
     It must address the causes, effects, extent, prevention,
reduction, and elimination of air pollution--in short, it will act to
control pollution.
     It must consist of such activities as research,
investigations, experiments, demonstrations, and similar activities
that are within the scope of Section 103(b)(3) of the Clean Air Act.
Therefore, the proposals should focus on the learning opportunities
they present for future pollution control efforts, rather than on
simply addressing pollution problems through well-established methods.
    Examples of activities that OTAQ is interested in funding are
outlined in Section IV., ``Program Emphasis.''

Contents by Section

I. Overview and Deadlines
II. Eligible Organizations
III. Funding Issues
IV. Program Emphasis
V. Selection Criteria
VI. Evaluation and Selection
VII. Proposals
VIII. Other Items of Interest
IX. How to Apply
Clean Air Transportation Communities: Innovative Projects to Improve
Air Quality and Reduce Greenhouse Gases: Solicitation Notice

Section I. Overview and Deadlines

A. Overview

    In today's notice, OTAQ is soliciting proposals to encourage
innovations in improving air quality (with regard to both criteria
pollutants and GHG) in the U.S., by reducing VMT, promoting smart
growth, and encouraging the use of cleaner vehicles and cleaner,
renewable fuels. There are serious

[[Page 11024]]

environmental implications in relying solely upon the ``conventional''
approach to transportation--typically, a single driver, in a vehicle
that often is not highly fuel-efficient. Clearly, the very limited
penetration of traditional alternatives to driving alone (transit,
carpooling, and non-motorized modes) into American's travel choices
suggests that more integrated and flexible alternatives need to be
developed. Ultra-clean, highly fuel-efficient vehicles are beginning to
become more available; their use needs to be encouraged. The impact of
community design and location on livability and environmental concerns
is receiving enhanced visibility with the rise of smart growth
initiatives. OTAQ is especially interested in proposals that implement
pilot projects allowing the replication of promising practices,
methodologies, technologies, incentives, and applications pertinent to
these areas. It is looking for the creative, groundbreaking approaches
that stakeholders are generating, and wants to see how they actually
perform for the lessons that can be gained for future efforts.
    Moreover, OTAQ has especially committed in this competition to
support community-level efforts that employ a suite of tools for
achieving reductions in transportation-related emissions and VMT, to
stimulate and reward planning that incorporates individual projects
into a coordinated, broader-focus strategy. An example might be a
program that integrates a Commuter Choice strategy with the
construction of bicycle commuter centers (secure parking, rental, and
repair) at transit hubs; or a ``Green Fleets''-type program that makes
low-emission vehicles and/or vehicles with high fuel economy ratings
available for car-sharing, perhaps focusing upon institutions that have
a ``campus'' layout; or a brownfields/infill project that incorporates
transit-oriented development programs and practices. Proposals that
make an effort to logically integrate various VMT- and emission-
reduction program components (both proposed and existing), rather than
presenting a piecemeal approach, will receive higher priority.
    An important aspect of the evaluation of proposals will be an
assessment of their potential effectiveness in bringing these
innovations into significant, replicable pilot projects relative to the
dollar amount of the grant. Also important in the evaluation will be
the degree of innovation, estimated amount of environmental benefit,
and apparent resources, capability, and commitment to succeed.
Effective leveraging of other sources of available funding will count
favorably in the evaluation process. Examples of relevant sources of
potential leveraging funds include the Congestion Mitigation and Air
Quality (CMAQ) program, the Transportation and Community and Systems
Preservation (TCSP) program, the Federal Transit Administration's ``New
Starts'' program (which supports mass transit projects), the U.S.
Department of Energy's ``Clean Cities'' program (which promotes
alternative fuel vehicles; see their website at www.ccities.doe.gov),
the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives' ``Green
Fleets'' program (see their website at www.greenfleets.org), or other
state and local funding sources (e.g., HOV lane programs). Special
attention should be provided to the details of pilot implementation and
the mechanisms proposed to enable broad-scale replication. OTAQ also
places a high priority on proposals that indicate clearly how they will
estimate and count the tons of emissions reduced as a result of their
    Interested persons can obtain copies of this solicitation at no
charge by accessing ``What's New?'' on the OTAQ Website at
``www.epa.gov/otaq'' or ``www.epa.gov/otaq/whatsnew.htm''.

B. What Are the Deadlines for This Competition?

    In order to efficiently manage the selection process, the Office of
Transportation and Air Quality requests that an informal ``Intent to
Apply'' within 30 days of the publication of this notice. (Please
provide project title or subject and email address). An ``Intent to
Apply'' simply states in the form of e-mail, phone, or fax that your
organization intends to submit a proposal to be received by the
deadline. Submitting an ``Intent to Apply'' does not commit an
organization to submit a final proposal. The ``Intent to Apply'' is an
optional submission; those not submitting an ``Intent to Apply'' may
still apply by the deadline.
    The deadline for submitting completed final proposals (original and
six copies, plus one fully-completed Application for Federal
Assistance, forms SF 424 and 424A) is Tuesday, April 24. The Office of
Transportation and Air Quality expects to complete the Evaluation/
Selection process in May, 2001.

Section II. Eligible Organizations

C. Who Is Eligible To Submit Proposals?

    While cooperative agreements with federal agencies are available to
a range of governmental and non-profit organizations, for the purposes
of this solicitation, proposals may only be accepted from state, local,
multi-state, or tribal agencies. EPA strongly encourages applicants to
incorporate partnerships with a broad range of agencies and
organizations. It will give priority to proposals from agencies
actively partnering with organizations showing a diversity of
perspectives (e.g., environmental justice, community development, land
use/smart growth, etc.).
    EPA encourages private sector, not-for profit, and public health
organizations that provide leadership in meeting national environmental
objectives by effecting substantial reductions in vehicle emissions and
VMT to enter into a partnership with an eligible entity. To illustrate,
some examples of private sector organizations that might seek
partnerships with qualifying agencies to make a proposal include (but
are not limited to) local homebuilders' associations pursuing smart
growth strategies, car insurance companies offering pay-as-you-drive
insurance, car rental companies offering low-emission and/or car
sharing products, automobile manufacturing companies and dealers
offering per-mile car leases or special incentives for cleaner cars and
those using clean renewable fuels, and companies with innovative ideas
for reducing commuting via the single-occupant vehicle and encouraging
infill and mixed-use development. Likewise, eligible agencies are
encouraged to seek out partnerships with these sorts of organizations.
Note that applicants must ensure that any financial transactions with
project partners comply with applicable EPA assistance regulations
relating to procurement contracts, subgrants, and allowable costs
contained in 40 CFR Part 31 (in the case of state or local agencies and
tribes) and 40 CFR Part 30 (in the case of nonprofit multi state

D. Why Are Tribal and Multi-State Organizations Particularly

    OTAQ wishes to particularly encourage the participation of tribal
agencies because it desires to improve its communication and
coordination with tribal agencies. It would like to increase awareness
of opportunities for tribal agencies to access EPA assistance in
achieving their air quality goals. Likewise, through substantial
involvement in the assisted activity, OTAQ will have an opportunity to
gain better understanding of tribal air management issues and
strategies, and their context.

[[Page 11025]]

    Regarding multi-state organizations, OTAQ believes that such
entities, which may represent state, local, regional, or tribal
organizations themselves, have unique opportunities for the placement,
replication, and dissemination of promising approaches to pollution
control. OTAQ wishes to encourage such organizations to step up to the
challenge of developing and promoting innovative pilot projects for the
control of air pollution through cleaner vehicles and fuels and the
reduction of VMT.

Section III. Funding Issues

E. What Is the Amount of Available Funding?

    Approximately $750,000 is anticipated to be available in fiscal
2001 for this competition.

F. How Many Agreements Will EPA Award in This Competition?

    Subject to the availability of funds, EPA plans to fund as many
high-quality projects as possible. The Agency may exercise its
discretion to fund a mix of large and small projects.

G. Are Matching Funds Required?

    No. However, the Agency will consider voluntary financial or in
kind commitments of resources as an evaluation factor which maximizes
the effective use of EPA seed money.

H. Can Funding Be Used To Acquire Services or Fund Partnerships?

    Yes, provided the recipient follows applicable procurement and
subgrant procedures. Please note that EPA will not be a party to these
transactions and approval of a funding proposal does not relieve
recipients of their obligations to compete for service contracts,
conduct cost and price analyses, and use subgrants only for financial
assistance purposes in accordance with Section .210 of OMB Circular A-

Section IV. Program Emphasis

    This program is designed to provide seed money for transportation
and air quality projects specifically to spur innovations in
transportation to reduce VMT and vehicular emissions, and thereby
positively impact air quality and/or climate change. EPA is
particularly interested in proposals designed to implement pilot
projects which yield measurable reductions in VMT, CO2, and/
or criteria air pollutants and other GHG, and that promote the
replication of promising practices, methodologies, technologies,
incentives, and applications. EPA considers that the element of
innovation lies not solely in the program components proposed, but in
how they fit into a comprehensive strategy.
    Innovative approaches of particular interest to OTAQ encourage
community design that promotes alternatives to the single-occupant
vehicle mode of travel, reduce the need to travel, increase use of
higher occupancy modes of travel, and promote low- or non-polluting
means of travel. As mentioned above, proposals should show how the
project will be part of a coordinated plan for VMT and/or
transportation-related emissions reduction. Elements that EPA is
especially interested in seeing in proposals include the following
(although strong proposals that contain elements other than these will
certainly be considered):
     Smart Growth/Development Patterns That Minimize VMT--
support state, local, multi-state, and tribal efforts to define best
practices, implement effective incentives, and design livable
communities that would provide better access to jobs, entertainment,
and services while reducing miles driven. (To learn more about EPA's
land use guidance and policy, access the web page at www.epa.gov/otaq/
     ``Green Fleets''--type program--support adoption of energy
conservation and VMT reduction strategies for light-duty fleets and
freight distribution systems; e.g., fleets comprised of cleaner (low-
emission) vehicles and/or vehicles with higher fuel economy or that
utilize cleaner, renewable fuels. (To learn more about the Green Fleets
program developed by the International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives, see their website at www.greenfleets.org; ``Green Your
Fleet'' is a downloadable document that gives a basic overview of their
     Commuter Choice--support implementation of employer
provided benefits for increased parking cashout, telework, compressed
work schedule, carpooling, transit, bus and vanpool ridership,
bicycling and pedestrian commuting. (To be considered a Commuter Choice
program for the purposes of this solicitation, a project must meet
EPA's six conditions for ``leaders'' described in the Commuter Choice
program announcement on its website at: www.epa.gov/otaq/traq/comchoic/
ccweb.htm; select the document ``Commuter Choice Leadership
Initiative.'' EPA's commitments to its partners are also described
     Clean Vehicles--incentives for the purchase by individuals
of vehicles designed to emit lower lifetime emissions of GHG and
criteria pollutants. (Applicants may wish to review EPA within-class
vehicle rankings developed to assist consumers with choosing the
cleanest and most fuel efficient vehicle that meets individual needs
at: www.epa.gov/autoemissions.)
    In addition to the examples of possible program elements mentioned
above, an applicant might want to consider such elements as:
     Improvements to ``connecting'' activities at campus
institutions (e.g., hospitals and universities)--initiatives focused
upon reducing VMT and/or emissions at organizations having various
buildings or facilities located over a limited geographic distance that
require transportation, teleconferencing, video conferencing,
telecommuting or other ``connecting'' activities as a major component
of conducting business (may address movement within the campus area,
movement on/off the campus area, or both). This is a high-priority area
for innovation.
     Youth demonstration projects to mobilize the
implementation of youth-oriented tools. Examples of previously funded
projects that engage youth, especially pre-drivers, in transportation/
air quality/climate issues include Let Kids Lead Starter Guide (see the
website www.letkidslead.org), Going Places, Making Choices Curriculum
(see the website www.fourhcouncil.edu/ycc/gpmc), the Cleaner Cars
Module for driver's education, and projects funded through the Mobile
Sources Outreach Assistance Competition.
     Real time casual carpool ride matching.
     Pay-as-you-drive car leases.
     Pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance.
     Automobile insurance incentives for driving cleaner
vehicles and/or vehicles having higher fuel economy or that utilize
cleaner, renewable fuels.
     HOV-lane access for ultra-clean vehicles and/or those
having high fuel economy or that utilize cleaner, renewable fuels.

Section V. Selection Criteria

    Each eligible proposal (section VIII.R., below, summarizes basic
requirements for eligibility) will be evaluated according the criteria
set forth below. Proposals which are best able to directly and
explicitly address the primary criteria will have a greater likelihood
of being selected for award in this assistance competition. Each
proposal will be rated according to how well it addresses the criteria.
Please note that projects that do not meet the threshold legal criteria
for funding under Section 103(b)(3) of the Clean Air Act cannot be
considered at all.

[[Page 11026]]

I. Primary Criteria

     Problem: States clearly the air quality, climate change,
and/or transportation problem the proposal is trying to address in
terms of the purpose/focus of this solicitation. Be sure to identify
what specific types of emissions reductions are needed, and/or the need
to reduce VMT.
     Approach: Demonstrates an innovative strategy to address
environmental goals of improved air quality and/or reduced GHG
production from the transportation sector through VMT reduction and use
of cleaner vehicles and fuels, coordinated as part of a broad context
of efforts to achieve these goals; providing a sound basis for
encouraging positive transportation behavior change.
     Measurement/Effectiveness: Includes measure of program
results; i.e., shows how the project will be evaluated by the applicant
in terms of quantifiable reductions in CO2 emissions, and
(if targeted in the problem statement) other pollutant emissions and/or
VMT, whether by measurement or modeling, and indicates a significant
reduction in tons of CO2 (and, if targeted, tons of other
emissions and/or reductions in VMT). Note: Regardless of what other
benefits are identified, all qualifying proposals must indicate that
CO2 emissions will be reduced through implementation of the
proposal, and must estimate tons reduced.
     Cost Effectiveness: Demonstrates that proposed
transportation/air quality/climate change innovation is cost effective
(i.e., indicates a relatively high amount of emissions reduction as
compared to amount of the grant), including a prediction of emissions
reduction from the pilot in a reasonable scenario.
     Partnering: Demonstrates how it will make use of an
existing coalition or collaborative established to address
transportation and air quality/climate change issues (indicate partners
in this coalition), and describes how the partner(s) can provide a
diversity of perspectives--each applicant must delineate how it and its
partner(s) will allocate responsibility for the various aspects of the
program to be funded. Applicants should make it clear that they--and
their partners--have the skills, resources, previous performance,
capability, and commitment to make the proposed project fully
successful. Applicants must also demonstrate that any transfers of
funding to project partners comply with EPA financial assistance
     Replicability: Demonstrates national or regional
applicability (i.e., is designed to have a high potential for being
adapted for use elsewhere, and to serve as a resource that will assist
others planning similar endeavors; including lessons learned,
productive types of contacts/collaborations to make, ``roadmap'' of the
process, etc.).

J. Other Factors to be Considered

     Integration/leveraging of funding: Maximizes the effective
use of EPA's limited funding through integration with existing
programs: this may include coordination with other OTAQ-funded efforts
and activities, linkages with other funding programs, such as those
mentioned in Section I.A. (``Overview''), or financial or in-kind
contributions from non-federal sources.
     Budget: Exhibits clearly-stated and appropriate levels of
funding; indicating where funds are allocated to provide for interested
parties to get information on the project, including costs for
materials reproduction.
     Action-orientation. Must be capable of generating
reductions in CO, and, if targeted, other pollutants and/or VMT, as a
direct result of the pilot program.
     Reasonable time frames. Timetables must reflect a
realistic appreciation of the time required to properly conduct the
indicated activity.
     Past Performance. The applicant's experience with
effectively administering Federal financial assistance and successfully
carrying out projects supported by EPA and other Federal agencies will
be carefully considered. This may include the results of audits
conducted by EPA's Office of Inspector General, other Federal agencies,
or State, local or tribal oversight entities. Applicants are strongly
encouraged to discuss their performance history and to provide the
names of contacts for EPA to obtain additional information.

    Note: OTAQ places a high priority on proposals that clearly show
how they will count the tons of emissions saved as a result of their
implementation, and on those involving partnerships with entities
that provide wide range of perspectives on the issue, contributing a
broader vision and wider skill mix to the effort. Applicants should
show clearly how the approach to reducing VMT and tons of emissions
addresses the problem identified without posing other emissions
concerns. For example, a vehicle type being promoted for low
CO2 emissions in the context of GHG reduction should not
result in even more significant increases in emissions of methane,
an even more potent GHG.

    Moreover, every applicant should understand that EPA will consider
the ramifications that the proposal may generate, and it wishes to
ascertain whether each proposal shows consistency with EPA's broader
mission beyond the realm of transportation-related emissions. That is,
the proposed project should, for example, present no cross-media
concerns, and should respect environmental justice considerations.

Section VI. Evaluation and Selection

K. How does the evaluation process work?

    The EPA Evaluation Team will be chosen in such a way that it can
address a full range of transportation/air quality/climate change
matters. Each EPA Regional office will be given the opportunity to
review those proposals generated by eligible organizations within that
Region. The Evaluation Team will base its evaluation solely on the
criteria referenced in this Notice. Completed evaluations will be
referred to a Selection Committee representing OTAQ staff and senior
managers and Regional representatives who are responsible for further
consideration and final selection. Selected proposals will be submitted
to EPA's grants office for final approval for award. Applicants will be
notified promptly after this process concerning their proposal's

Section VII. Proposals

L. What must be included in the proposal?

    The proposal must contain a narrative, letters of commitment from
partners, and EPA's federal assistance application forms (``Application
for Federal Assistance and Budget Information,'' SF 424 and SF 424A).
(Please do not use binders or spiral binding for your submission.) The
narrative, which should be approximately 7-8 pages in length, must
explicitly address how the proposal meets each of the evaluation
criteria. Again, in the course of describing how it meets the criteria,
the narrative must include:
    (1) A concise statement of the nature of the problem, project
background, and objectives;
    (2) A detailed project summary--description of specific actions to
be undertaken, and the responsible organizations, including estimated
time line for each task;
    (3) The associated work products to be developed;
    (4) An explanation of project benefits;
    (5) An explanation of how project outcomes will be designed for
replication in other communities;

[[Page 11027]]

    (6) A detailed budget--clearly explain how funds will be used,
including estimated cost for each task, and funds set aside for
resources to promote replication;
    (7) A detailed explanation of how the project shall be evaluated;
    (8) The projected time frame for project from initiation through
    (9) Project contact(s) (must provide name, organization, phone,
fax, and e-mail), and;
    (10) A description of the roles of the applicant and partners.
    Special attention should be provided to the details of pilot
implementation and the mechanisms proposed to enable broad-scale
replication of its innovations. This includes access to tools and
information for interested parties seeking to replicate as appropriate
and build upon the project's outcomes. This includes materials
generated through the project, contact information, keys/barriers to
success, a narrative or ``roadmap'' of the process, etc.
    In addition to the narrative, the proposal should include a letter
of commitment from each partner organization that briefly summarizes
its roles and goals in the partnership. Again, please keep in mind that
any contracts or subgrants awarded to partner organizations must comply
with applicable regulations.
    EPA financial assistance procedures require that the official and
complete federal assistance application forms (``Application for
Federal Assistance and Budget Information,'' SF 424 and SF 424A) be
submitted by all applicants with their proposals. For those in need of
guidance in filling out these forms, an Application Kit for Federal
Assistance (which includes the forms) can be obtained from EPA's Grants
Administration Division at (202) 564-5305. These forms can also be
downloaded from the following website: www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/

VIII. Other Items of Interest

M. Does this funding expire at the end of Fiscal Year 2001? Will two-
year projects be considered?

    Funding does not expire at the end of Fiscal Year 2001. If a
proposal with a two-year project period is submitted, OTAQ simply
requires that the budget and cost estimate be designed to indicate what
will be accomplished in each of the first and second years. However,
the total amount of the grant does not change if the project period
extends to two years.

N. May an eligible organization submit more than one proposal?

    Yes. However, more than one proposal may be submitted only if the
proposals are for different projects.

O. May an eligible organization submit a proposal for this fiscal year,
even if the organization were previously awarded funding under another

    Yes. Applicants awarded funding in previous competitions may submit
new proposals to fund a different project. As mentioned previously,
this program is designed to provide seed money to initiate new
projects, or to add new dimensions to existing projects (e.g., new
focus on youth, additional locations, innovative approaches, different
constituencies). Awards will not be given to extend or supplement an
ongoing program if the proposal adds nothing that is new in some
significant way.

P. May an eligible organization resubmit a proposal which was
previously submitted to another competition for funding, but was not

    Yes. However, those proposals will be measured against the
evaluation criteria described above.

Q. What is the difference between this solicitation and the Mobile
Source Outreach Assistance Competition? Can I apply to both?

    These are two distinct competitions, though offered in fiscal year
2001 at approximately the same time. While they may share some goals,
such as providing assistance to stakeholders wishing to implement
innovative programs that reduce mobile source related emissions, they
differ in important ways. While the Mobile Source Outreach Assistance
Competition was originated with the expressed purpose of promoting
outreach in the mobile source emissions arena, the scope of eligible
projects is broader under this solicitation. However, this solicitation
limits eligible applicants to state, local, tribal, and multi-state
agencies involved with transportation, air quality, and/or climate
change issues. Moreover, this competition requires that the applicant
demonstrate how CO2 and, depending upon the problem
identified, other emissions and/or VMT will be reduced, and an estimate
of those reductions in VMT/tons of emissions through implementation.
The demonstration and estimate are not required for the Mobile Source
Outreach Assistance Competition.
    Applicants to this competition may submit a proposal that includes
a component that was submitted to the Mobile Source Outreach Assistance
Competition. However, due to the differing nature of the requirements,
it is unlikely that an exact duplication of a proposal submitted to one
would be suitable to be submitted to the other.

R. What will cause a proposal to be considered ineligible or non-
responsive to this solicitation?

    A proposal will be determined to be ineligible if :
     It is not submitted by a state, local, tribal, or multi-
state agency involved with transportation, air quality, or climate
change issues, or;
     It does not satisfy the requirements for funding
authorized under section 103 of the Clean Air Act (described in the
``Background'' section, above).
    A proposal will be considered non responsive if:
     It does not address each criterion and each component
outlined in Section VII.L., above, or;
     It lacks the completed forms ``Application for Federal
Assistance and Budget Information,'' SF 424 and SF 424A, or;
     If hard copies of the proposal are received or postmarked
by the U.S. Postal Service after the deadline.

S. Will Letters of Recommendation or Commendation Help a Proposal
During its Evaluation?

    No. Letters of recommendation or commendation will not be
considered. However, letters from partners expressing their commitment
to the proposed project will strengthen an application's standing;
those documenting successful performance on Federal assistance projects
will be given greater weight than letters which express only general
support for the applicant.

Section IX. How To Apply

T. How Does One Apply?

    Intents to Apply may take the form of email, fax or phone call to
the Program Contact, Mary E. Walsh (address listed below; phone: (734)
214-4205; fax: (734) 214-4052; e-mail: walsh.mary@epa.gov. Include
organization, contact, phone number, and project title/subject. Please
submit informal Intents to Apply by Wednesday, March 14, 2001.
(Remember, the Intent to Apply is not required and will have no bearing
on the judging process, but we do request it for the benefit of our
planning process.) Submission of an Intent to Apply or a final proposal
does not guarantee funding.

[[Page 11028]]

    Completed application packages must be postmarked or received via
regular mail or express mail on or before midnight, Tuesday, April 24,
2001 (please provide original proposal + six copies--no binders or
spiral binding, please!--plus one completed set of forms SF 424 and SF
424A, ``Application for Federal Assistance and Budget Information''),
addressed to: Mary E. Walsh (TRPD), US EPA Office Transportation and
Air Quality, 2000 Traverwood Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

Deadline For Completed Final Proposals

    Proposals must be received or postmarked no later than midnight on
April 24, 2001.

    Dated: February 9, 2001.
Margo Tsirigotis Oge,
Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Environmental
Protection Agency.
[FR Doc. 01-4268 Filed 2-20-01; 8:45 am]


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