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US Department of Defense
Mr. Paul A. Brinkley

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation

Mr. Brinkley was appointed Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Business Transformation in March 2005.  He joined the Department of Defense in August 2004 as the first Highly Qualified Expert (HQE) appointee under a Congressional program established to attract experts with state-of-the-art knowledge in fields of emerging importance to the Department’s mission. Mr. Brinkley leads business transformation for the Department of Defense (DoD), working across the military services and defense agencies to drive rapid transformation of business processes and systems to ensure improved support to the warfighter and improved financial accountability. He also oversees the Business Transformation Agency, the organization accountable for delivery of common processes and systems supporting logistics, acquisition, finance, and personnel activity across the DoD.
In June 2006, Mr. Brinkley was tasked by the Deputy Secretary of Defense to lead the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations, Iraq. The Task Force is charged with evaluating DoD business processes and systems affecting contracting, logistics, fund distribution, and financial management, to ensure alignment to theater commanders’ goals for reconstruction and economic development in Iraq. A primary focus of the Task Force is to reinvigorate the Iraqi industrial base by driving demand to viable Iraqi factories, thereby reducing violence by re-employing the predominantly idle workforce.
Prior to joining the Department of Defense, Mr. Brinkley served as Senior Vice President of Customer Advocacy and Chief Information Officer for JDS Uniphase Corporation, the world leader in optical technologies used in the communications, display, and security markets with major operations in North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. Mr. Brinkley was responsible for the global customer service, critical sales account management, and information technology organizations. He also served as Senior Vice President of Supply Chain Management, launching central supply management, planning, scheduling, and logistics functions. As Vice President of Information Technology Applications for JDS Uniphase, he led one of the largest, most rapid business transformation efforts in the technology industry sector – migrating 40 acquired companies with over 25,000 employees in locations across North America, Europe, and Asia onto common operations, customer service, personnel, financial, and product development systems and processes in less than 18 months. Mr. Brinkley’s earlier experience includes senior management and technical roles in operations, engineering, and information technology with Nortel Networks.
Mr. Brinkley holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in industrial engineering from Texas A&M University and has completed coursework requirements for a Ph.D. in operations research at North Carolina State University. A licensed professional engineer, he is the recipient of four U.S. patents for systems and process technologies, including a system incorporating unique algorithms for inventory optimization in multi-tiered distribution networks. He has published research on process optimization, production economics, and artificial intelligence in journals including the International Journal of Systems Science, Interfaces, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, and Technometrics. Mr. Brinkley has also served on the economic development advisory council to the Fujian Provincial Government in the People’s Republic of China.

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