You are here: Home HIOSH Workplace Violence Manual

Workplace Violence Manual

Department of Labor and Industrial Relations


Workplace Violence Manual

Download the Full Manual (1.6 MB / 213 pp.) [Note: Does not include the Addendum, below]

Cover Page, Foreword, Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, Introduction (291 KB / 14 pp.)

Part I, Program Development (296 KB / 30 pp.)

Part I introduces a process for developing an effective workplace violence prevention program, and guides an organization's planners through the basic steps of developing policies, programs, and prevention strategies.

Part II, Background Information (468 KB / 44 pp.)

Part II provides basic information on several areas of expertise that may be involved in workplace violence prevention programs, including fact finding/investigating, threat assessment and management, employee relations consideration, employee assistance program considerations, workplace security, and organizational recovery after a traumatic incident.

Part III, Resources (195 KB / 20 pp.)

Part III includes a listing of workplace violence prevention, intervention, and recovery resources available in Hawaii.

Part IV, Case Studies and Practice Exercises (344 KB / 52 pp.)

Part IV presents a set of case studies and practice exercises for the employer to use in analyzing organizational needs, planning programs, and training personnel to respond to workplace violence situations.

Appendices (978 KB / 53 pp.)

  • Appendix A: NIOSH Publication Abstract, Violence in the Workplace: Risk Factor and Prevention Strategies [Visit the NIOSH web site to view the full "Violence in the Workplace" article]
  • Appendix B: Weingarten Rights
  • Appendix C: Kalkines vs. the United States, 473 F.2d 1391 (1973)
  • Appendix D: Research Article: "Threat Assessment: Defining an Approach for Evaluating Risk of Targeted Violence"
  • Appendix E: Fitness for Duty/Threat Assessment Evaluation Sample
  • Appendix F: Physical Security Checklist Sample

ADDENDUM (280 KB / 4 pp.)

Added on 5/31/02, the Addendum contains additional resource contact information (complements Section III, above).

Distribution points for the manual

CD-ROM copies of the manual are available by calling Safeguard Services at (808) 526-2006.

Reference hard copies are available at the Hawaii State Library branches.



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