The FRCD Newsletter

August/September, 2008: (pdf)

July/August, 2008: (pdf)

(back issues)

Who We Are

The Family Resource Center on Disabilities (FRCD) was a pioneer as a coalition that covered all disabilities. FRCD was formerly known as the Coordinating Council for Handicapped Children.

Hawaii. (photo courtesy Philip Greenspun)

FRCD was organized in 1969 by parents, professionals, and volunteers who sought to improve services for all children with disabilities. A new Illinois law mandating the education of all children with disabilities by 1969 was the original impetus for their coming together - to inform and activate parents on their newly won rights. New legislation - P.L. 94-142 in 1975; P.L. 99-457 in 1986; P.L. 101-476 (IDEA) in 1990; P.L.101-336 (ADA) in 1990; and P.L. 105-17, (IDEA Amendments) in 1997; currently, P.L. 108-446 (IDEA Amendments) in 2004; and P.L. 107-110 (the No Child Left Behind Act) - intensified the Center's efforts to educate and train parents, professionals, and volunteers.

What We Do

In one year, from its four projects, FRCD answers more then 8,000 telephone and mail requests for information, assistance, and support. During its 37-year existence, FRCD has answered more than 200,000 requests for assistance from parents, persons with disabilities, and professionals.

Training for Your Organization (Speaker Request form)

The Family Resource Center on Disabilities provides information and training on the special education rights of children with disabilities, at community locations throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area. To make a request for a speaker, complete our Speaker Request form.

Special Education Rights Seminars

FRCD conducts free seminars on the special education rights of children with disabilities, in English and Spanish, at its ADA accessible central office, in Chicago, and at locations selected by requesting organizations. Interpreters services are available with two weeks notice for persons with hearing impairments, and on diskette for persons with visual impairments.

Trained speakers are available to conduct training activities at meetings and conferences on:

Training of Parent Leaders

The Parent Training Project offers opportunities for parent leaders to become effective trainers in their own communities. This training is also available in Spanish for Spanish speaking participants. Participants learn to:

All partcipants in the Parent-to-Parent Training Project receive a free manual that includes state and federal special education regulations, and FRCD publications.

Special Education Rights Training Seminar
Advanced registration and confirmation is required for the seminars. FRCD cannot provide accommodations for children.
  • Every Saturday (except holidays and days of special conferences), 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • The first Tuesday of each month (except holidays), 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
  • In Spanish only, the second Wednesday of the month (except holidays), 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Family Support Project

The Family Support Project provides individualized support services for low-income Chicago families. This Project is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities. Services include:

Youth Advocacy Project

The Youth Advocacy Project (YAP) prepares Chicago youth for adulthood, using a family-centered approach. The project is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services. YAP provides the following services:

WIN-MILL Project

FRCD conducts free training workshops on the Rehabilitation Act for parents, persons with disabilities, advocates and professionals in their own communities. Participants also learn to:

All participants will receive a free training manual on the Rehabilitation Act and other FRCD publications.

Two popular publications from the Family Resource Center on Disabilities, the organization that has done everything IN THE BOOK.

How to Get Services by Being ASSERTIVE

A 200+ page manual that shows you how to:

How to Organize an Effective Parent/Advocacy Group and Move BUREAUCRACIES

A 200+ page manual that shows you how to:

Each book is only $10, plus $2.00 postage and handling. Quantity discounts are available. See the order form (pdf) for more information.