HINT: This question is tricky! Taking a multivitamin with folic acid, eating a bowl of cereal with 100% of the DV of folic acid, and taking a folic acid supplement, are all ways to be sure that you are getting enough folic acid every day. This question is tricky because broccoli is a natural source of food folate, however you would have to eat 5 cups of broccoli in order to meet the daily requirement of 400 micrograms of folic acid. There are three ways women can get enough folic acid to prevent spina bifida and anencephaly. They can choose to:

1) Take a vitamin supplement (either multivitamin or folic acid supplement) containing 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.

2) Eat a fortified breakfast cereal daily which contains 100% of the daily value of folic acid (400 micrograms).

3) Increase consumption of foods fortified with folic acid (e.g., enriched cereal, bread, rice, pasta, and other grain products) in addition to consuming food folate from a varied diet (e.g., orange juice and green vegetables).

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