Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commision
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Boating and Waterways

Boating Safety

We gather and evaluate statewide boating accident statistics in an effort to identify problem areas and trends. This information is used as a basis for the development of initiatives designed to improve boater awareness, minimize risk of accidents, and help make Florida's waterways safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Waterway Management

We oversee and coordinate statewide regulatory waterway markers to insure compliance with the uniform marking system and to improve compliance of state boating and resource protection zones for the long term well-being and benefit of all waterway users and the fish and wildlife resources.

  • Paddling Trail Information
  • Report a damaged marker
  • Derelict Vessels
    We maintain a database of all abandoned or derelict vessels in Florida waters. We coordinate for the removal of derelict vessels that pose a threat to navigation or a hazard to the environment. Also, we provide grants to coastal local governments for the removal of derelict vessels from Florida waters.

Anchoring/Mooring (Vessel Management)

Provided below are links to background information pertaining to the anchoring and mooring issue:

Draft 7 language Anchoring and Mooring (Vessel Management) will be presented for consideration for the 2009 Florida Legislative Session. To review Draft 7 language click here.

  • Stakeholders and interested parties can also submit comments, recommendations, and solutions relevant to Vessel Management, Anchoring, and Mooring issues to:

Boating Access

We provide recreational boating access in Florida by maintaining over 200 freshwater boat ramps. For information concerning FWC boat ramps or waterway markers, please call 407-846-5392. Please see the Grants section below for information concerning funding to enhance boating access through competitive grants.

  • Grants
  • Grant programs to enhance boating access and other boating-related activities from the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP), funding for transient tie-up facilities for boats 26' or longer from the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BigP), assistance for removal of derelict vessels from the Derelict Vessels Removal Grant Program, and other boating-related grant programs. Follow this link for additional information on application submission dates.

Boating Related Public Workshop Information

Counties Required to Report on Vessel Registration Fees - Due by November 1

From Stem to Stern II: Boating and Waterway Management in Florida, May 19-21, 2009.
Click here for more information.

Boating information about hurricanes and tropical storms.

When a tropical storm or hurricane affects our state, Florida's boat owners and operators have more to be concerned about than just their homes and families.  The FWC has gathered the following informational resources to help boaters prepare for storms and be better able to deal with the aftermath.

Wear It Florida - Boating Safety

Wildlife Foundation of Florida

Last updated: January 14, 2009 10:08 AM