Latest News >> Recent Additions to NCEF Reference Center
Severe Weather Planning for Schools
New NCEF publication on understanding, preparing for, and responding to weather emergencies, including severe thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes and storm surge, flooding, and extreme heat and cold. Six appendices contain detailed weather information.
Mass Notification for Higher Education
New NCEF publication discusses essential considerations when designing a campus-wide mass notification system, and the pros and cons of current notification systems.
Earthquakes and Schools
New NCEF publication discusses earthquake basics, preparing a school for an earthquake, reducing nonstructural hazards, and seismic upgrading. A mitigation and preparedness checklist is provided as well as appendices on nonstructural hazards, past earthquake damage to U.S. schools, and schools as earthquake shelters.
Wildfires and Schools
New NCEF publication discusses conditions that feed wildfires, how a building catches fire, determining your school's risk, creating a survivable space for the school, the importance of maintenance, the fire-resistant school, meeting code requirements, related flood and mudslide risks. Also includes an appendix on wildfire response.
Flooding and Schools
Discusses what flooding can do to schools; how to prevent or mitigate flood damage; how to prepare for and respond to flood emergencies; and how to recover from a flood. Includes an appendix on schools as emergency shelters.
Resource Lists
Subject-specific resources on more than 140 school facilities topics. Each list includes descriptions of books, studies, reports, and journal articles, as well as links to online publications and websites.
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NCEF Safe School Facilities Checklist
Download a customized checklist for assessing the safety and security of your school.
School Construction Costs
Current, forecast, and historical data about U.S. school construction.
School Construction Costs
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