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War and Peace

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"But there is one front and one battle where everyone in the United States - every man, woman, and child - is in action… That front is right here at home, in our daily lives."

- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1942

online resources
Especially for Teachers...

African Americans at War: Fighting Two Battles - (Special Presentation) Read stories of African American veterans.

Alcove 9 - International Relations - (Internet Resources) A Library of Congress collection of internet sites related to international relations, peace, security and defense.

Alcove 9 - Military History and Military Science - (Internet Resources) A Library of Congress collection of internet sites related to military history and military science.

American Memory Timeline: Civil War and Reconstruction - (Feature) Explore Civil War highlights from the American Memory Timeline feature.

American Memory Timeline: U.S. Participation in the Great War (World War I) - (Feature) World War I highlights from the American Memory Timeline feature

American Memory Timeline: World War Two - (Feature)World War II highlights from the American Memory Timeline feature.

Arthur Szyk: Artist for Freedom - (Exhibition) Explore the intricate drawings and cartoons created by Arthur Szyk, a Polish Jewish artist who emigrated to the United States in the 1940s.

Battle of the Bulge: Interactive Essay, The - (Special Presentation) This unique presentation uses U.S. Army situation maps to illustrate this famous WWII battle. Your students will enjoy the interactivity and the historical expertise shared by Library of Congress curators.

Born Free and Equal - (Special Presentation) This special presentation reproduces Ansel Adam’s book, Born Free and Equal, which documents life in the Manzanar internment camp after World War II.

Churchill and the Great Republic - (Exhibition) This exhibition examines the life and career of Winston Spencer Churchill and emphasizes his lifelong links with the United States--the nation he called "the great Republic."

Closer Look at the Stars and Stripes, A - (Special Presentation) Learn about the purpose, organization and content of this eight-page weekly newspaper published for Army forces in France from February 8, 1918, to June 13, 1919. Learn about the purpose, organization and content of this eight-page weekly newspaper published for Army forces in France from February 8, 1918, to June 13, 1919.

Does the Camera Ever Lie - (Special Presentation) Compare two photographs from Alexander Gardner's 1865 Sketch Book of the War and see how he rearranged the visual elements in his photographs to influence the viewer.

Experiencing War: Stories From the Veterans History Project - (Special Presentation) This growing database features personal narratives and memoirs sent to the Veterans History Project from veterans from all wars.

For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan - (Exhibition) View an online display detailing the origins and effects of the Marshall Plan.

From the Homefront and the Front Lines - (Exhibition) This exhibition consists of original materials and oral histories drawn from the Veterans History Project collections at the Library of Congress.

Guide to the American Revolution, 1763-1783, A - (Library of Congress Bibliography) This guide compiles links to digital materials related to the American Revolution from the Library of Congress Web site and beyond.

Guide to World War II Materials - (Library of Congress Bibliography) This guide gathers in one place links to the wide and diverse selection of Library of Congress materials relating to World War II.

History (Through 1899) - (Prints and Photographs) View a selection of images depicting wars prior to 1899 from the online version of Pictorial Americana.

History of Mapping the Civil War - (Special Presentation) Learn about cartography during the Civil War era.

History of the 105th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 - (Special Presentation) Civil War letters are presented in a timeline fashion and offer details of the regiment's movements, accounts of military engagements, and descriptions of the daily life of soldiers and their views of the war.

Mapping the American Revolution and Its Era - (Special Presentation) Learn about cartography during the Revolutionary era.

Military Legal Resources - (Special Presentation) Link to a selection of primary source materials and publications in the field of military law.

Motion Picture Goes to War: The Spanish-American War and the Philippine Revolution, The - (Special Presentation) This presentation can be used as a resource for understanding how Americans experienced the Spanish-American War through the media coverage.

New Yellow Ribbon Tradition, The - (American Folklife Center) Learn about the tradition of displaying ribbons of various colors to remember loved ones far away or to identify with a particular cause.

Northern Valley Archives: Developing Web-Based Activities from the American Memory Collection - (The Source) This article offers teacher created ideas for primary source lessons on the topics of Civil War, Industrial Revolution, Japanese Internment, the Progressive Era and Slave Narratives.

On the Homefront, America During World War I and World War II - (Learning Page Activity) Through a gallery of images, this activity showcases a sampling of American Memory resources that illustrate homefront contributions during World War I and World War II.

Pearl Harbor Oral Histories - (Cybercast) Ann Hoog discusses the After the Day of Infamy: Man-on-the-Street Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor in this Journeys and Crossings cybercast.

Roger Fenton’s Crimean War Photographs - (Prints and Photographs) This overview provides excellent background about the Crimean War (1853-1856).

Rosie Pictures: Select Images Relating to American Women Workers During World War II - (Prints and Photographs) These images from the Prints and Photographs collections were issued by the U.S. government or by commercial sources during World War II.

Rosie the Riveter: Real Women Workers in WWII - (Cybercast) Sheridan Harvey, Women’s Studies Specialist, explores the evolution of "Rosie the Riveter" in this Journeys and Crossings webcast.

Songs for Our Times - (Learning Page Activity) Songs express what people think and feel, even as they introduce people, places and events. In this activity, you can explore the past through songs of the time. When Johnny Comes Marching Home and Over There are two wartime songs featured in this activity.

Time Line of the Civil War - (Special Presentation) This timeline outlines the main events of the Civil War from 1861-1865.

Today in History (May 30) Memorial Day - (Today in History) How did the Memorial Day holiday begin?

Today in History (November 11) Veterans Day - (Today in History) Read about when and how we began to celebrate our nation's Veterans.

U.S. Army Field Manuals, War Department/Department of the Army Pamphlets - (Special Presentation) Link to full text versions of 20th century Army pamphlets and manuals.

Using an Adams Photograph of Manzanar as a Primary Source - (The Source) Historian and educator Laura Mitchell models the careful analysis of Adams’s photograph of the maternity ward at Manzanar’s hospital.

Veterans History Project: See and Hear Veteran’s Stories - (Special Presentation) Read about this American Folklife project, see and hear veterans stories, and find out how to participate in the program.

War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars - (Cybercast) Library guests read aloud excerpts from the book, War Letters, and other war-related material.

Witness and Response: September 11 Acquisitions at the Library of Congress - (Exhibition) This exhibit features items that each major division of the Library of Congress has collected relating to the events of September 11.

Women at War: Stories from the Veterans History Project - (Special Presentation) Read first-hand accounts of women who participated in the war effort, from nurses to code-breakers to welders, flight surgeons and officers.

Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers, and Broadcasters During WWII - (Exhibition) Learn the stories of eight women who served their country “on the front” during World War II.

Women's Activities During the Civil War: A Select List of Photographs - (Prints and Photographs) This gallery includes images of women who, individually or as members of organizations, engaged in activities in support of the Union or Confederate war effort.

World of 1898: The Spanish-American War, The - (Special Presentation) This presentation provides resources and documents about the Spanish-American War, the period before the war, and some of the fascinating people who participated in the fighting or commented about it.

Zoom into Maps: Military Maps - (Learning Page Activity) Explore some of the fascinating military maps in the Library of Congress collections.

  Especially for your Students...

American Treasures: Women and the War Effort - (Exhibition) During World War II, the U.S. government mounted an extensive propaganda campaign encouraging women to join the war effort.

American Treasures: Women’s War Relief - (Exhibition) This broadside pattern gives directions for making slippers for Union soldiers.

Arthur Buchwald - (Special Presentation) This Pulitzer Prize-winning satirist, who passed away on Jan. 17, 2007, shared wartime memories with the Library's Veterans History Project.

Blue and the Gray, The - (Learning Page Activity) Solve this set of puzzles and discover the theme the pictures have in common.

Days After the Day of Infamy, The - (Wise Guide) Listen to interviews with Americans collected after the December 7, 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Documenting the Homefront - (Exhibition) During World War II, the Office of War Information took photographs recording homefront activities that supported the war effort.

First Thrill of Liberty - (Exhibition) Posters like this encouraged participation in war bond campaigns during World War I.

He Called It the Great Republic - (Wise Guide) Learn about the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and his role as ally and friend to the United States.

Home Front During World War Two, The - (Exhibition) View New York’s Penn Station during World War II.

Jump Back in Time: February 4, 1941 - (America's Library) On this date the United Service Organizations was chartered.

Jump Back in Time: June 13, 1942 - (America's Library) On this date the Office of War Information was created.

Lest Liberty Perish - (Exhibition) The Division of Pictorial Publicity produced over 700 poster designs during World War I.

Library Mission to Iraq, A - (Wise Guide) Learn how the Library of Congress has come to the aid of the National Library in Baghdad, Iraq.

Meet Amazing Americans: General George C. Marshall - (America's Library) Read about a famous general best remembered for what he did for peace.

Meet Amazing Americans: General John Joseph Pershing - (America's Library) Read about a famous World War I general.

Meet Amazing Americans: Lieutenant George S. Patton Jr. - (America's Library) Meet a famous World War II general.

Meet Amazing Americans: Pocahontas A Child Keeps Peace Among Nations - (America's Library) Read how Pocahontas helped keep peace between Indians and the colonists.

Meet Amazing Americans: Theodore Roosevelt - (America's Library) Learn about America’s 26th president. He played an important role in the Spanish American War.

Most Famous Poster, The - (Exhibition) Learn about James Flagg’s famous poster of Uncle Sam.

On the Homefront, America During World War I and World War II - (Learning Page Activity) Learn how Americans at home supported the war effort during World War I and World War II.

Rosie the Riveter - (Learning Page Activity) Solve this set of puzzles and discover the theme the pictures have in common.

She Wrote the Most Famous "Hymn" of the Civil War - (Wise Guide) Learn the story behind Julia Ward Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic.

They Blazed a Trail in the Air: The Tuskegee Airmen - (Wise Guide) Read about this group of African American fighter pilots in World War II.

Today in History (December 7) Air Raid on Pearl Harbor - (Today in History) How did Americans react to the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Today in History (June 6) D-Day - (Today in History) World War II ended on this date.

War Effort, The - (Exhibition) Prominent illustrators promoted and advertised the war effort.

Y.W.C.A. Girls in Service - (Exhibition) Organizations provided services to the armed forces during wartime.

Yanks are Coming, The - (Exhibition) Americans copyrighted more than 35,000 World War I patriotic songs, military marches, love ballads, and protest songs.

lesson plans

Use these lesson plans (created by educators for educators) to explore topics about war and peace with your students in your classroom:

Ladies, Contraband, and Spies - (Grades 10-11) Students view the perspectives of slave women, plantation mistresses, female spies, and Union women during the Civil War.

Mathew Brady Bunch - (Grades 6-12) Students become reporters, analyzing a Civil War photograph, and writing a newspaper article based on their chosen photograph.

Nothing to Fear - (Grades 5-8) Students learn what the World War II experience was like for Japanese Americans living on the West Coast.

Photojournalism - (Grades 5-8) Students explore how and why war has been photographed and also see the bias within the recording/reporting of war.

Civil War through A Child's Eye, The - (Grades 6-8) Students use literature and photographs to view the Civil War from a child's perspective.

What are We Fighting for Over There? - (Grades 10-12) Students create World War I era newspapers with different perspectives on American involvement in the war.

What Do You See? - (Grades 5-12) Students analyze Civil War photographs, and develop links between the Civil War and American industrialization.

George Washington - (Grades 8-12) Students engage in three lessons examining George Washington's leadership. Lesson One focuses on Washington’s wartime experiences.


Is there a title (or two) that you always read to (or with) your students when teaching about the topic of war and peace? Are there invaluable reference books that you use when working with this theme? Staff from The Library of Congress have generously donated favorite titles for the "War and Peace..." theme. We hope you will contribute your favorite titles to our growing bibliography!

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collection connections

Create your own collaborative lesson plans using material related to this month's theme assembled from The Learning Page Collection Connections:

America from the Great Depression to World War II: Color Photographs from the FSA and OWI, ca. 1935-1945" - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection includes color photographs of rural and small-town America. Many photos examine women’s contributions on the home front and various types of military training, munitions and military technology of the period.

Suffering Under a Great Unjustice: Ansel Adams Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar - (Summary and Teaching Resources) In this collection, Ansel Adams documents the life of Japanese Americans interned at the Manzanar relocation camps during World War II. Photographs include portraits, views of daily life, agricultural scenes and sports and leisure activities.

After the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection contains twelve hours of individual opinions recorded after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

America from the Great Depression to World War II: Black and White Photographs from the FSA and OWI, ca. 1935-1945" - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection includes black and white photographs of rural and small-town America. Hundreds of images portray World War II from the perspective of the home front, including the evacuation of 110,000 Japanese-Americans to internment camps.

American Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection includes fifty-nine sound recordings of speeches by American leaders at the turn of the century. Fifteen of these focus on World War I and present a variety of perspectives and reasons for supporting the war.

Band Music from the Civil War Era - (Summary Only) This collection features over 700 examples of brass band music popular during the Civil War period.

Civil War Maps - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection of more than 2,300 items provides students an opportunity to study the Civil War era through cartographic data.

Selected Civil War Photographs - (Summary and Teaching Resources) The 1,118 photographs in this collection featuring encampments, preparations for battle, battlefields and military portraits can be used as a basis for researching the Civil War.

American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789, The - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection includes over two thousand maps created during the era of the American Revolution and features maps of land and sea battles; reconnaissance maps; maps showing cantonments, lines of march, and lines of fire; public information maps.

Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures, The - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection contains the first movies made of American troops in wartime and features troops, ships, notable figures, parades, reenactments of battles and other war-time events.

Washington During the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865 - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection documents life in Civil War era Washington, D.C. as seen through the eyes of Horatio Taft.

Stars and Stripes: The American Soldiers' Newspaper of World War I, 1918-1919 - (Summary and Teaching Resources) Browse issues of this World War I newspaper created to improve morale and provide unity within the American forces.

Civil War Soldier in the Wild Cat Regiment: Selections from the Tilton C. Reynolds Papers - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection documents the Civil War experience of Captain Tilton C. Reynolds, a member of the 105th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers through correspondence, photographs, and other materials dating between 1861 and 1865.

World War II Military Situation Maps - (Summary Only) View maps showing troop positions beginning on June 6, 1944 to July 26, 1945.

Newspaper Pictorials: World War I Rotogravures - (Summary and Teaching Resources) The images in this collection track American sentiment about the war in Europe, week by week, before and after the United States became involved.

Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training - (This collection features interviews with some of the most prominent diplomats of the 20th century.)

Civil War Treasures from the New York Historical Society - (Sumary and Teaching Resources) The photographs, drawings, posters and letters in this collection document the lives of ordinary citizens who were involved in the Civil War.

Rochambeau Map Collection - (Summary Only) Many of the items in this collection show the importance of cartographic materials in the campaigns of the American Revolution.

September 11, 2001 Documentary Project - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection documents eyewitness accounts, expressions of grief and other commentary on the events of September 11, 2001. Included in this presentation are photographs, drawings, audio and video interviews and written narratives.

We'll Sing to Abe Our Song Sheet Music about Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Civil War, from the Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana - (Summary and Teaching Resources) Learn tips for integrating these historic sheet music compositions into Civil War teaching.

search terms

These terms may be useful when searching for items related to this theme in the American Memory collections.

Armies Military uniforms War posters
Armistices Militia War relief
Arms and armament Names of branches of service War songs
Battlefields Names of specific wars War work
Campaigns and battles Revolutionary War World War I
Civil War Soldiers World War 1914-1918
Declarations of war Spanish-American War World War II
Military personnel United States – History - Revolution World War 1939-1945

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Last updated 04/26/2004