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10. Research and Development Contracts

NHLBI Research and Development Contract Obligations:* Fiscal Years 1997–2007

NHLBI Research and Development Contract Obligations*:  Fiscal Years 1996–2006

Text-only With Data Points

* For detailed data on contract-supported clinical trials, see Chapter 11.

NHLBI Total Research and Development Contract Obligations: Fiscal Years 1997–2007

Dollars (Thousands)


FY 1997

FY 1998

FY 1999

FY 2000

FY 2001

FY 2002

FY 2003

FY 2004

FY 2005

FY 2006

FY 2007


$ 84,820

$ 77,886














































A Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $8,986,000.
B Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $12,589,000.
C Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $14,904,000.
D Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $17,944,000.
E Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $24,579,000.
F Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $35,827,000.
G Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $54,550,000.
H Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $57,545,722.
I Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $64,399,000.
J Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $67,795,000.
K Includes Program Evaluation and IMPAC II Assessments of $68,405,000.
Note: From 1999 to 2006 the WHI was reported separately. In this table, it has been incorporated in the "Heart" line.

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Major NHLBI Research and Development Contracts by Program


Total Obligations Prior to FY 2007

Total FY 2007 Obligations

Total Obligations to Date

Heart and Vascular Diseases

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC)
Candidate Gene Association Research (CARE)
Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS)
Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)
DNA Resequencing and Genotyping
Framingham Heart Study
Genetically Triggered Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and OtherCardiovascular Conditions (GENTAC): National Registry
Hispanic Community Health Study (HCHS)
Jackson Heart Study (JHS)
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
NHLBI Gene Therapy Resource Program (GTRP)
Pediatric Circulatory Support
Proteomics Initiative
Registry for Mechanical Circulatory Support
SNP Health Association Research (SHARE)
Translational Behavioral Science Research Consortium
Lung Diseases
Lung Tissue Research Consortium
Tuberculosis Curriculum Coordinating Center
Blood Diseases and Resources
Maintenance of Animals for Hepatitis or AIDS Research
Maintenance of NHLBI Biological Specimen Repository
Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study II (REDS-II)
Sickle Cell Disease Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire
Somatic Cell Therapy Processing Facilities

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Heart and Vascular Diseases Program

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC), Initiated in Fiscal Year 1985

The ARIC program is a large-scale, long-term program that is measuring associations of CHD risk factors with atherosclerosis by race, gender, and geographic location. It focuses on early detection of CVD before symptoms, heart attacks, or strokes occur. The project consists of two groups: a community surveillance component and a cohort component from four communities. Three of the cohort components represent the racial mix of their community, whereas the fourth is exclusively black.

In 2006, the study began conducting a community surveillance of inpatients (ages ≥55 years) and out­patients (ages ≥65 years) who have heart failure. The study will continue through 2009 to determine the number of heart failure events occurring during the 2005–2009 period.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$7,085,354
Fiscal Years 1985–2006—$128,310,450
Total Funding to Date—$135,395,804

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. University of North Carolina at
    Chapel Hill
    Chapel Hill, North Carolina—HC-55015
  2. Baylor College of Medicine
    Houston, Texas—HC-55016
  3. University of North Carolina at
    Chapel Hill
    Chapel Hill, North Carolina—HC-55018
  4. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Minneapolis, Minnesota—HC-55019
  5. Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland—HC-55020
  6. Mississippi Medical Center
    Jackson, Mississippi—HC-55021

Candidate Gene Association Resources (CARE),
Initiated in Fiscal Year 2006

This program establishes a genotyping and bioinfor­matics center to perform high-throughput genotyping for candidate gene association studies in up to 50,000 participants, and a genome-wide association study in about 500 disease cases and 1,000 controls. The data will be combined with available phenotype data to form a genotype–phenotype resource for public use. DNA for the 50,000-person sample will be collected from multiple NHLBI cohort studies that have stored samples and available data on a wide array of heart, lung, blood, and sleep phenotypes.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$13,472,000
Fiscal Year 2006—$2,789,517
Total Funding to Date—$16,261,517

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Cambridge, Massachusetts—HC-65226

Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS), Initiated in Fiscal Year 1988

The CHS is a population-based, longitudinal study of risk factors for development and progression of CHS and stroke in elderly adults, 17 percent of whom are from minority populations. Extensive data and samples have been collected from nearly 6,000 participants since 1989–1990. The current CHS: Transition Phase is sharing support for an infrastructure to enable continued access to study resources and expertise, scientific collaborations, and mentorship of early-career investigators.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$355,000
Fiscal Years 1988–2006—$76,816,177
Total Funding to Date—$77,171,177

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. University of Washington
    Seattle, Washington—HC-55222

Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA), Initiated in Fiscal Year 1984

CARDIA is a long-term study examining the evolution of CVD risk factors in a cohort of black and white adults, aged 18 to 30 years in 1985–1986. The study examines risk for heart and lung disease and diabetes by collecting information on body mass index, physical activity and lifestyle, genetics, serologic and metabolic components, inflammatory markers, and other subclinical markers of disease. Fifty percent of the participants are black.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$3,519,585
Fiscal Years 1984–2006—$78,720,161
Total Funding to Date—$82,239,746

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. New England Medical Center
    Hospitals, Inc.
    Boston, Massachusetts—HC-45204
  2. Wake Forest University Health Sciences
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina—HC-45205
  3. University of Alabama at Birmingham
    Birmingham, Alabama—HC-48047
  4. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Minneapolis, Minnesota—HC-48048
  5. Northwestern University
    Chicago, Illinois—HC-48049
  6. Kaiser Permanente Division of Research
    Oakland, California—HC-48050
  7. University of Alabama at Birmingham
    Birmingham, Alabama—HC-95095

DNA Resequencing and Genotyping, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2004

The purpose of this program is to obtain rapid, reliable, and cost-efficient DNA sequencing and genotyping of candidate genomic regions potentially important in the disease pathways of heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders. This information will assist ongoing investigations of genetic components involved in the causes, variable outcome, and progression of the diseases and disorders.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$6,000,000
Fiscal Years 2004–2006—$18,000,000
Total Funding to Date—$24,000,000

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Constella Group, Inc.
    Bethesda, Maryland—HV-48193
  2. University of Washington
    Seattle, Washington—HV-48194
  3. Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland—HV-48195
  4. J. Craig Venter Institute, Inc.
    Rockville, Maryland—HV-48196

Framingham Heart Study

The original Framingham Heart Study was designed as a longitudinal investigation of constitutional and environmental factors influencing the development of CVD in individuals free of these conditions at the outset. Of the original 5,209 subjects, about 500 members remain alive. In 1971, the Framingham Offspring Study was initiated to assess familial and genetic factors associated with CHD. More than 5,000 offspring (and their spouses) were included. A third-generation cohort consisting of 3,500 grandchildren has been added to permit examination of numerous hypotheses about the genetic contribution to CVD and CVD risk factors. Additional goals include identifying new risk factors for cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases and developing new imaging tests that can detect very early stages of coronary atherosclerosis in otherwise healthy adults.


Funding History:

Fiscal Year 2007—$2,926,136
Fiscal Years 1983–2006—$73,073,681
Total Funding to Date—$75,999,817

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. Boston University Medical Center
    Boston, Massachusetts—HC-25195

Genetically Triggered Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Other Cardiovascular Conditions (GENTAC): National Registry, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2006

The purpose of this program is to establish a national registry to enable investigators to determine the best medical practices to advance the clinical management of genetic thoracic aortic aneurysms and other cardiovascular complications associated with connective tissue diseases such as Marfan Syndrome.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—1,559,965
Fiscal Year 2006—$1,391,748
Total Funding to Date—$2,951,713

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. Research Triangle Institute
    Research Triangle Park, North Carolina—HV-68199

Hispanic Community Health Study (HCHS), Initiated in Fiscal Year 2006

The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors for cardiovascular and lung diseases in Hispanic populations living in the United States and determine the role of acculturation in their development and prevalence. The program will support a multicenter, 6.5-year epidemiologic study comprising approximately 16,000 participants of Hispanic origin (4,000 at each of 4 sites), aged 18 to 74 years.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—21,269,620
Fiscal Year 2006—$2,900,000
Total Funding to Date—$24,169,620

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. University of North Carolina at
    Chapel Hill
    Chapel Hill, North Carolina—HC-65233
  2. University of Miami
    Miami, Florida—HC-65234
  3. Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    New York, New York—HC-65235
  4. Northwestern University
    Chicago, Illinois—HC-65236
  5. San Diego State University
    San Diego, California—HC-65237

Jackson Heart Study (JHS), Initiated in Fiscal Year 1998

The JHS is a single-site epidemiologic study of CVD in blacks, similar to established studies in Framingham, Massachusetts, and Honolulu, Hawaii, with primary goals of identifying risk factors for development and progression of CVD; enhancing recruitment, cohort retention, and scientific productivity of the existing Jackson site of the ARIC study; building research capabilities at minority institutions; developing partnerships between minority and majority institutions; and expanding minority investigator participation in large-scale epidemiologic studies.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$4,346,757
Fiscal Years 1998–2006—$23,755,565
Total Funding to Date—$28,102,322

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Jackson State University
    Jackson, Mississippi—HC-95170
  2. Mississippi Medical Center
    Jackson, Mississippi—HC-95171
  3. Tougaloo College
    Tougaloo, Mississippi—HC-95172

Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), Initiated in Fiscal Year 1999

The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence, correlates, and progression of subclinical CVD, i.e., disease detected noninvasively before it has produced clinical signs and symptoms, in a population that is 38 percent white, 28 percent black, 22 percent Hispanic, and 12 percent Asian. In 2007, the fourth cohort examination was completed and plans are underway to continue periodic monitoring of participants to identify recent hospitalizations and other clinical events.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$5,833,988
Fiscal Years 1999–2006—$62,833,704
Total Funding to Date—$68,667,692

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. University of Washington
    Seattle, Washington—HC-95159
  2. University of California, Los Angeles
    Los Angeles, California—HC-95160
  3. Columbia University
    New York, New York—HC-95161
  4. Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland—HC-95162
  5. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Minneapolis, Minnesota—HC-95163
  6. Northwestern University
    Chicago, Illinois—HC-95164
  7. Wake Forest University
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina—HC-95165
  8. University of Vermont
    Colchester, Vermont—HC-95166
  9. New England Medical Center
    Boston, Massachusetts—HC-95167
  10. Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland—HC-95168
  11. Harbor-UCLA Research and
    Education Institute
    Los Angeles, California—HC-95169

NHLBI Gene Therapy Resource Program (GTRP), Initiated in Fiscal Year 2007

The purpose of this program is to promote the trans­lation of basic research into clinical trials. The pro­­gram will support the production of safe and well-characterized vectors; conduct extensive toxicology and pharmacology studies on animals to determine vector dosing, related toxicity, and vector dissemination; and provide investigators with regulatory assistance to initi­ate a clinical trial. The GTRP also will support a maximum of two phase I/II gene transfer clinical trials per year that have successfully met all regulatory requirements and are ready to enroll patients within 12 months of application approval.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$5,900,000
Total Funding to Date—$5,900,000

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Social and Scientific Systems, Inc.
    Silver Spring, Maryland—HV-78200
  2. Lovelace Biomedical Research &
    Education Institute
    Albuquerque, New Mexico—HV-78201
  3. University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—HV-78202
  4. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—HV-78203
  5. Indiana University
    Indianapolis, Indiana—HV-78204

Pediatric Circulatory Support, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2004

The purpose of this program is to establish multidisciplinary teams to develop innovative circulatory assist devices or other bioengineered systems for infants and children with congenital and acquired CVD who experience cardiopulmonary failure and circulatory collapse.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$2,297,000
Fiscal Years 2004–2006—$14,540,343
Total Funding to Date—$16,837,343

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Cleveland Clinic
    Lerner College of Medicine
    Cleveland, Ohio—HV-48188
  2. Ension, Inc.
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—HV-48189
  3. Jarvik Heart, Inc.
    New York, New York—HV-48190
  4. Pennsylvania State University
    Hershey, Pennsylvania—HV-48191
  5. University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—HV-48192

Proteomics Initiative, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2002

The purpose of this program is to establish highly interactive, multidisciplinary centers to enhance and develop innovative proteomic technologies directed to relevant biologic questions associated with heart, lung, blood, and sleep health and disease. Scientists will focus on the cells’ protein machinery directed toward understanding the molecular basis of the causes and progression of heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders and identifying targets for therapeutic interventions.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$18,245,000
Fiscal Years 2002–2006—$97,633,890
Total Funding to Date—$115,878,890

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Boston University
    Boston, Massachusetts—HV-28178
  2. Institute for Systems Biology
    Seattle, Washington—HV-28179
  3. Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland—HV-28180
  4. Medical University of South Carolina
    Charleston, South Carolina—HV-28181
  5. Medical College of Wisconsin
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin—HV-28182
  6. Stanford University
    Stanford, California—HV-28183
  7. University of Texas
    Galveston, Texas—HV-28184
  8. University of Texas
    Southwestern Medical Center
    Dallas, Texas—HV-28185
  9. Yale University
    New Haven, Connecticut—HV-28186
  10. Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the
    Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc.
    Rockville, Maryland—HV-28187

Registry for Mechanical Circulatory Support, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2005

The purpose of this program is to establish a data and clinical coordinating center to manage a registry of patients receiving a mechanical circulatory support device (MCSD) to treat heart failure. The registry will collect and analyze clinical and laboratory data and tissue samples from patients who receive MCSDs as destination therapy for end-stage heart failure at 60 to 70 participating hospitals.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$946,139
Fiscal Years 2005–2006—$2,801,579
Total Funding to Date—$3,747,718

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. University of Alabama
    Birmingham, Alabama—HV-58198

SNP Health Association Resource (SHARe), Initiated in Fiscal Year 2006

The purpose of this program is to identify genetic variants associated with heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders through application of large-scale, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping for genome-wide association analyses. In collaboration with the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the Institute is developing a public-use data resource to integrate genome-wide genotypic information with phenotypic information from multiple NHLBI studies. The first study involves more than 14,000 participants in the Framingham Heart Study. Genotype and phenotype data from the study will be available to qualified and approved applicants beginning October 1, 2007. Two studies will be added in 2008 and 2009.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$9,172,820
Fiscal Year 2006—$2,000,000
Total Funding to Date—$11,172,820

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. Affymetrix, Inc.
    Santa Clara, California—HL-64278

Translational Behavioral Science Research Consortium, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2002

The purpose of this program is to establish a consortium of interdisciplinary basic and applied social scientists to conduct research related to developing and testing theories from the behavioral or social sciences concerning cognitive, affective, motivational, developmental, and other factors and processes underlying human behavior. Acquired knowledge will be used to develop and test methods to encourage individuals to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage behavioral risk factors for heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$4,518,381
Fiscal Years 2002–2006—$20,430,569
Total Funding to Date—$24,948,950

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Weill Medical College of
    Cornell University
    New York, New York—HC-25196
  2. Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    New York, New York—HC-25197

Lung Diseases Program

Lung Tissue Research Consortium, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2004

The purpose of this program is to establish a consortium for collecting lung tissues and preparing and distributing them for research. Scientists seek to improve management of lung diseases by increasing understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms of lung diseases through molecular histopathological studies on tissues with and without disease. Primary emphases are on COPD and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$0
Fiscal Years 2004–2006—$23,098,806
Total Funding to Date—$23,098,806

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
    Rochester, New York—HR-46158
  2. University of Colorado
    Health Science Center
    Denver, Colorado—HR-46159
  3. University of Colorado
    Health Science Center
    Denver, Colorado—HR-46160
  4. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
    Rochester, New York—HR-46161
  5. University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor, Michigan—HR-46162
  6. University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—HR-46163
  7. Clinical Trials and Survey Corporation
    Baltimore, Maryland—HR-46164

Tuberculosis Curriculum Coordinating Center, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2003

The purpose of this program is to establish a con­sortium of five Tuberculosis Curriculum Centers to strengthen and increase access to the best ongoing edu­ca­tional and training opportunities in TB for medical, nursing, and allied health schools, especially those that provide primary care to communities where TB is endemic and the population is at high risk.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$0
Fiscal Years 2003–2006—$4,875,000
Total Funding to Date—$4,875,000

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. University of California, San Diego
    La Jolla, California—HR-36157

Blood Diseases and Resources Program

Maintenance of Animals for Hepatitis or AIDS Research, Initiated in Fiscal Year 1992

The purpose of this program is to maintain an NHLBI chimpanzee colony that can be used in experiments with transfusion-transmitted infectious agents (hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and HIV) for which the chimpanzee is the only known animal model.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$466,117
Fiscal Years 1992–2006—$8,966,004
Total Funding to Date—$9,432,121

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. Southwest Foundation for
    Biomedical Research
    San Antonio, Texas—HB-27091

Maintenance of NHLBI Biological Specimen Repository, Initiated in Fiscal Year 1998

The purpose of this project is to establish an NHLBI Biological Specimen Repository for blood specimens from Institute-supported research. The Repository monitors storage, labeling, and testing of the specimens, as well as administers safe shipment of precise sample aliquots to approved investigators for future studies.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$2,181,239
Fiscal Years 1998–2006—$7,625,914
Total Funding to Date—$9,807,153

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. SeraCare Life Sciences, Inc.
    Rockville, Maryland—HB-87144

Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study (REDS), Initiated in Fiscal Year 1989

The purpose of this study is to conduct epidemiologic, laboratory, and survey research on volunteer blood donors within the United States to ensure the safety and availability of the blood supply. The studies will examine the risks of transfusion-transmissible infections, their trends, and ways to reduce infection risks; HIV, HTLV, HCV, and HBV test screening methodologies; donor characteristics, behaviors, and donation return patterns of U.S. blood donors; and the effectiveness and safety of various strategies to increase the U.S. blood supply. An international component has been added to the REDS study to conduct epidemiologic, laboratory, and survey research on the blood donors in China and Brazil.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$8,437,846
Fiscal Years 1989–2006—$95,820,174
Total Funding to Date—$104,258,020

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Blood Center of Southeastern Wisconsin
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin—HB-47168
  2. American Red Cross Blood Service,
    New England
    Farmington, Connecticut—HB-47169
  3. Emory University
    Atlanta, Georgia—HB-47170
  4. University of Cincinnati
    Cincinnati, Ohio—HB-47171
  5. Institute for Transfusion Medicine
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—HB-47172
  6. University of California, San Francisco
    San Francisco, California—HB-47174
  7. Westat, Inc.
    Rockville, Maryland—HB-47175
  8. Blood System Research, Inc.
    San Francisco, California—HB-57181

Sickle Cell Disease Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2005

The purpose of this project is to develop a psychometrically sound and clinically useful health-related quality-of-life instrument and related materials for use in sickle cell clinical trials and outcomes research among adults with SCD, and to assist researchers who are early users of the instrument and materials.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$179,000
Fiscal Years 2005–2006—$1,292,008
Total Funding To Date—$1,471,008

Current Active Organization and Contract Number

  1. American Institutes for Research
    Health Program
    Silver Spring, Maryland—HL-54264

Somatic Cell Therapy Processing Facilities, Initiated in Fiscal Year 2003

This program is designed to develop novel somatic cellular therapies in areas ranging from basic science through animal studies to proof-of-principle and eventually human trials for heart, lung, and blood dis­eases and sleep disorders. The goal is to provide rapid, safe translation of basic research ideas into clinical practice.


Funding History:
Fiscal Year 2007—$17,000
Fiscal Years 2003–2006—$21,715,735
Total Funding to Date—$21,732,735

Current Active Organizations and Contract Numbers

  1. Baylor College of Medicine
    Houston, Texas—HB-37163
  2. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Minneapolis, Minnesota—HB-37164
  3. University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—HB-37165
  4. The EMMES Corporation
    Rockville, Maryland—HB-37166

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