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DoD Briefings
Time changes and "single subject briefings" are normally announced by a Press Advisory published the day of the event. When available, Transcripts are posted in the archive.

Live Video DoD Video Broadcast - Click for details

Audio Briefings
[Older briefings are only available as transcripts.]

NOTE: A 1-KHz tone may be heard until shortly before the scheduled briefing start time. Room noise is fed beginning a few minutes before the scheduled start time until the actual start of the briefings, even though briefings may begin a few minutes late. If more than one briefing is scheduled, a 1-KHz tone may be fed in lieu of room noise between the briefings. If you are listening to a briefing that is not occuring live, you can drag the slider forward on your RealAudio Player to advance past tone and/or the room noise.


Transcript Archive

Updated: 09 Feb 2005
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