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The National Wilderness Preservation System

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From swamps of the Southeast to tundra in Alaska, from snowcapped peaks in the Rocky Mountains to hardwood forests in the Northeast and deserts in the Southwest, Wilderness areas are found in all but six states (Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Rhode Island). Alaska Wilderness National Wilderness Preservation System Map of the United States
Washington Wilderness (western) Washington Wilderness (eastern) Idaho Wilderness (northern) Montana Wilderness (northwestern) Oregon Wilderness (western) Oregon Wilderness (eastern) Idaho Wilderness (southern) California Wilderness (northern) California Wilderness (central) California Wilderness (southern) Nevada Wilderness (northern) Nevada Wilderness (central) Nevada Wilderness (southern) Arizona Wilderness (southern) Arizona Wilderness (northern) Utah Wilderness (southern) Utah Wilderness (northern) New Mexico Wilderness (southern) New Mexico Wilderness (northern) Colorado Wilderness (southern) Wyoming Wilderness (northern) Colorado Wilderness (northern) Wyoming Wilderness (southern) Montana Wilderness (southwestern) Montana Wilderness (northwestern) Montana Wilderness (eastern) North Dakota Wilderness South Dakota Wilderness Nebraska Wilderness Oklahoma Wilderness Texas Wilderness (western) Texas Wilderness (eastern) Minnesota Wilderness (found in northern portion of state only) Wisconsin Wilderness Missouri Wilderness (found in southern portion of state only) Arkansas Wilderness Louisiana Wilderness Mississippi Wilderness (found in southern portion of state only) Illinois Wilderness (found in southern portion of state only) Indiana Wilderness Michigan Wilderness (northern) Michigan Wilderness (southern) Kentucky Wilderness Tennessee Wilderness Alabama Wilderness (found in northern portion of state only) West Virginia Wilderness Virginia Wilderness North Carolina Wilderness (eastern) North Carolina Wilderness (western) Georgia Wilderness (northern) Georgia Wilderness (southern) Florida Wilderness (northern) Florida Wilderness (southern) South Carolina Wilderness New York Wilderness (found in eastern portion of state only) Massachusetts Wilderness Pennsylvania Wilderness New Jersey Wilderness Vermont Wilderness New Hampshire Wilderness Maine Wilderness Ohio Wilderness Hawaii Wilderness Alaska Wilderness Puerto Rico Wilderness National Wilderness Preservation System Map of the United States
Click on "Fast Facts" and "Common Misconceptions" above for more interesting truths about Wilderness.

Original map prepared by the National Atlas of the United States of America ® (August 2004). Additional data for subsequently designated wilderness areas has been added by the Wilderness.net staff.

To purchase the original National Atlas map, please visit the National Atlas website. If you are interested in downloading wilderness GIS data available on the National Atlas website, click here.
Map Legend
BLM wilderness - dark yellow Bureau of Land Management Wilderness
BLM non wilderness - light yellow Bureau of Land Management NON-Wilderness
FWS wilderness - dark orange Fish & Wildlife Service Wilderness
FWS non wilderness - light orange Fish & Wildlife Service NON-Wilderness
FS wilderness - dark green Forest Service Wilderness
FS non wilderness - light green Forest Service NON-Wilderness
NPS wilderness - dark purple National Park Service Wilderness
NPS non wilderness - light purple National Park Service NON-Wilderness
Roads - red Major Roads
Ferry routes (AK only) - blue Ferry Routes (AK)

Wilderness.net is a partnership project of the Wilderness Institute at The University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation,
the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute.
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