The Moer Foundation, a general community site in Boston, Massachusetts, is a non-profit organization with affiliate sites located in North Carolina, Georgia, and New York. Last fall, the Foundation used We Can! program materials to discuss the importance of healthy eating with local parents and children. On average, more than 30 families attend these meetings and learn about the importance of increased physical activity, improved nutrition, and reducing screen time.
The Moer Foundation emphasizes the theme—lose your weight, not your culture—which demonstrates their belief in the need for culturally sensitive health education programs within current childhood overweight prevention strategies. In 2008, the site will officially launch its We Can! program with a Walk-a-Thon. It is also planning to expand its We Can! programming by signing up its affiliate locations as new We Can! community sites in the coming year.
We Can!™ is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
We Can! Families Finding the Balance: A Parent Handbook provides background information on the obesity epidemic and practical tools to help you and your family adopt a healthier lifestyle.
We Can! offers a variety of resources and materials, including a community toolkit, parent handbook, posters, print ads, and wristbands.