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AFRTS Television News
from the American Forces Radio and Television Service


The American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) NewsCenter produces the Two-Minute Report (2MR) and two AFRTS Newsminutes (NM) each weekday for broadcast on AFRTS stations worldwide. These files are updated each weekday (except legal holidays) by 6:00 pm Eastern U.S. time.

Recent Broadcasts:

RealMedia Streaming Video 06/22/2004 Dep Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Gen Peter Pace testify before HASC on security plans for transition in Iraq
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/22/2004 Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz says a recent trip to Iraq has convinced him progress is being made there
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/22/2004 BG Kimmitt says US military members in Iraq know they are helping the Iraqi people
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/21/2004 DoDea announces 2004 principals of the year
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/21/2004 Military officials say military's role won't change once power is handed over to Iraq
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/21/2004 General Kimmitt says airstrike hit safehouse of terrorist al Zarqawi
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/18/2004 President Bush carries message of praise to service men and women at Fort Lewis, Washington
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/18/2004 President Bush says terrorists picked the wrong country to be their enemy
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/18/2004 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is confident Iraqi people will support new Iraqi government
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/17/2004 9-11 Commission takes testimony from Gen Myers and others on military response
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/17/2004 US's top general in Afghanistan says the country is no longer a sanctuary for terrorists
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/17/2004 Secretary Rumsfeld says war on terrorism is helping transform the military
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/16/2004 President Bush addresses US Central Command personnel in Florida and by satellite in Iraq and Afghanistan
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/16/2004 Director of the Iraq Program Management Office says US is ready for the long haul to rebuild Iraq
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/16/2004 Senior Defense official says Iraq rebuilding process moves to a new level on June 30th
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/15/2004 Coalition Spokesman Dan Senor comments on handover of Saddam Hussein to Iraqi tribunal
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/15/2004 Comptroller General of the US General Accounting Office says changes are being made to improve contracts in Iraq
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/15/2004 Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and Afghan President Karzai tell reporters they see progress in Afghanistan
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/14/2004 "Global Peace Initiative" aims to train more foreign peacekeepers, relieving pressure on U S military
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/14/2004 Pentagon says Iraq moving in the right direction toward providing security for itself
RealMedia Streaming Video 06/14/2004 Retired LTG Mick Kicklighter discusses 6/30 transition in Iraq

In order to hear these programs you must have a sound-capable computer with RealPlayer software installed. Download RealPlayer software.
You can reach the AFRTS NewsCenter by e-mail at: afrtsnews@hq.afis.osd.mil
Updated: 22 Jun 2004
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