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Education & Training Agencies

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University of Hawaii System
A wide range of training and employment services are provided by the various components of the University of Hawaii System, which includes the flagship University of Hawaii at Manoa, the University of Hawaii Hilo, University of Hawaii West Oahu, and the Community College System.

Private Colleges and Universities
A number of fine private institutions of higher education in the State complement the public university campuses.

Department of Human Resources Development
Information on job opportunities, training, labor relations, performance management, Title 14 Administrative Rules, workers compensation and safety, employee benefits and HRD documents and contact information can be found at the Department of Human Resources Development website.

Department of Labor & Industrial Relations
Information on Hawaii's labor laws, workforce assistance, the Employment and Training Fund, Unified State Workforce Investment Act Plan, employer forms relating to business registration, unemployment insurance, child labor, and payment of wages and other information important to Hawaii's employers can be obtained from the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

Hawaii Workforce Informer (HIWI)
The Hawaii Workforce Informer website provides labor market information that can help with research, business planning, job search, and career decisions.

Occupational Safety & Health Division (OSHA)
Information about workplace requirements, standards and procedures are available at the Hawaii Occupational Safety & Health Division (HIOSH) site.

Center for Labor Education & Research
The Center for Labor Education and Research was established in 1976 to provide labor education, research and labor-related programs to workers, their organizations and the general public through a variety of methods including classroom instruction, seminars, workshops, publications, the internet and other public media.

Hawaii Council on Economic Education
The mission of the Hawaii Council on Economic Education is to promote and improve the teaching of economics in Hawaii's public and private schools and increase the economic and financial literacy of Hawaii's students and residents.

U.S. Employment & Training Administration
Information including tax credits and other hiring incentives, how to find and train employees, assistance with downsizing, legislation text, and ETA grants and contracts. The Employment and Training Administration also provides the most current ETA solicitation for grant applications (SGA) and requests for proposals (RFP).

Last modified 07-17-2006 08:44 AM