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Chinese Meal

It's mostly vegetables; it must be healthy. Read on, and be enlightened.

Chinese food is a favorite take-out meal for many Americans. But is it any good for you? It can be, if properly prepared. However, studies by Consumer Reports and the Center for Science in the Public Interest have revealed that a lot of the dishes served in Chinese restaurants in this country are loaded with fat, cholesterol and sodium. In fact, many of the dishes served, such as Kung Pao Beef and egg rolls, are little better for you than fast food burgers or fried chicken. Many dishes are overloaded with meat, under endowed with vegetables and are covered in sauces that are often chock-full of cooking oil and cornstarch.

Want to see how some of America's favorite Chinese foods stack up in terms of fat and calories? Try our Interactive Chinese Meal and see if you can make tasty choices that won't clog your arteries.

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Last updated February 24, 2006

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